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Displaying 261 - 270 of 687 results.
Christmas tree (Pine)-White pine weevil Pissodes strobi Pest description and crop damage A small brown weevil, roughly 0.25-inch-long, with the snout typical of other weevils. Wing covers have irregular patches of brown and white scales. Important pest of ...
Christmas tree (Spruce)-Cooley spruce gall adelgid Adelges cooleyi Pest description and crop damage Causes "pineapple" galls on spruce, the primary host. See table: Hosts and Symptoms of Major Aphid and Adelgid Pests of Christmas Trees Managemen ...

Christmas tree (Spruce)-Spruce aphid Elatobium abietinum Pest description and crop damage Small, dull-green aphid causes extreme needle drop. Aphids appear early in the season (fall to winter months) and may increase rapidly during March and April. See ta ...

Christmas tree (Spruce)-White pine weevil Pissodes strobi Pest description and crop damage A small brown weevil, roughly 0.25 inch in length, with the "snout" typical of other weevils. Wing covers have irregular patches of brown and white scales ...
Christmas tree (True fir)-Balsam twig aphid Mindarus abietinus Pest description and crop damage Small, yellow-green aphids with woolly exudates attack new terminals. See table: Hosts and Symptoms of Major Aphid and Adelgid Pests of Christmas Trees Managem ...
Christmas tree (True fir)-Balsam woolly adelgid Adelges piceae Pest description and crop damage Appear as cottony or grayish mass on stems. They produce swelling at nodes and tips and are especially damaging to Fraser fir. See table: Hosts and Symptoms of ...
Christmas tree (True fir)-Conifer root aphid Prociphilus americanus Pest description and crop damage Tree above ground is stunted and off-color. Below ground colonies of white aphids attached to roots often tended by small ants. In severe cases, replantin ...
Christmas tree (Export pests)-Slug and snail Various species Pest description and crop damage There is no crop damage, but slugs and snails are hitchhiking pests that are restricted at a number of export destinations. Management-cultural control Shaking p ...
Christmas tree (Export pests)-German yellowjacket Vespula germanica Pest description and crop damage German yellow jacket is an extremely rare hitchhiking pest and restricted in a number of export destinations. Adults have yellow and black marks with a sp ...
Christmas tree (Export pests)-Exports to Mexico Management-chemical control The regulations for tree imports into Mexico are prescriptive and state: "A pesticide treatment is required 3 to 6 weeks prior to harvest using one of the following insectici ...