Hazelnut Pests

Nik Wiman and Erica Chernoh
Latest revision: 
March 2024

Includes management options for commercial and home use.

In all cases, follow the instructions on the pesticide label. The PNW Insect Management Handbook has no legal status, whereas the pesticide label is a legal document. Read the product label before making any pesticide applications.

Note: Products are listed in alphabetical order and not in order of preference or superiority of pest control.

Hazelnuts are wind pollinated but it is still important to be aware of pollinator activity in and around the orchard. Honey bees opportunistically forage on hazelnut pollen during winter and they can be present in the orchard throughout the growing season foraging on flowering weeds and hedgerows. Infestations of sucking insect pests such as aphids and scale produce honeydew, which can be highly attractive to honey bees and other sensitive pollinators. Take extra care to protect pollinators when flowering cover crops are present in orchards. Pay attention to bee warnings on pesticide labels and time applications to avoid bee kills.

The following suggests the amount of each spray material per acre when applied to mature trees. The size of trees, amount of foliage, type of equipment used, and other factors are important in determining the amount of spray to use per acre. Read the entire label of each material that is to be used carefully. Under present federal regulations, it is unlawful to apply any pesticide in a manner, rate, or dilution that is not so prescribed on the label. Check with the county agent or Research and Extension center in your area if there are any discrepancies between the recommendations in this handbook and a pesticide label. Practice integrated pest management (IPM) principles and avoid unnecessary or prophylactic insecticide use. Use scouting and monitoring to determine whether pest problems justify management.