Important notice Several pesticides registered for use on alfalfa seed lack legal tolerances established for residues that may be on the seed, screenings, or hay. Therefore, certain alfalfa seed grower associations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming Montana, and Nevada have declared, through their respective state departments of agriculture, that alfalfa produced for seed in those states is a nonfood-nonfeed crop. This declaration means that none of the seed, screenings, or hay will be available for human or animal consumption when special nonfood pesticides registered via 24C Special Local Need have been applied.
EPA and Washington Department of Agriculture have classified most, but not all, small-seeded vegetable seed crops grown in Washington as nonfood/nonfeed crops for pesticide registration purposes.
Alfalfa seed producers should verify the legality of using the products in this section with both a current label indicating that a product is registered for use on alfalfa grown for seed, and the appropriate state department of agriculture.