- Pesticide Safety

- Use pesticides only when necessary and as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
- Always read the label and follow the instructions.
- Do not allow children to play around sprayers or mixing, storage, and disposal areas.
- Wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment.
- Never eat, drink, or smoke while handling pesticides.
- Avoid drift into non-target areas and pesticide runoff into streams, rivers, lakes, irrigation ponds and canals.
- Avoid spilling materials on skin or clothing.
- Have access to clean water, soap, and first aid supplies.
- Keep pesticides in a dry and locked storage area away from food and feed.
- Triple rinse or pressure rinse empty containers and dispose or recycle in accordance with state and local regulations.
- Stay out of recently sprayed areas until spray has dried, and observe the restricted entry intervals (REI) specified on the pesticide label.
- Follow the pre-harvest interval (PHI) on pesticide label before harvesting crops or gardens and before allowing livestock to graze fields.