Bedstraw and Canada Thistle Management

carfentrazone (Aim EC)

Rate 0.008 to 0.031 lb ai/A (0.5 to 2 fl oz/A Aim EC)

Time Apply to actively growing weeds when they are small. May be applied before seeding and up to jointing stage of crop.

Remarks See label for specific tank-mixes and adjuvant recommendations. Apply in at least 10 gal/A of spray solution. Good spray coverage is essential for control.

Caution Do not exceed 0.093 lb ai/A of Aim per growing season.

Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor

Chemical family Triazinone

fluroxypyr (Starane Ultra)

Rate 0.11 to 0.14 lb ai/A fluroxypyr (0.3 to 0.4 pints/A Starane Ultra)

Time For best performance, apply to emerged and actively growing broadleaf weeds less than 4 to 8 inches in height. Only weeds that have emerged at time of application will be controlled. Apply to two-leaf seedling grasses up to early boot stage, or to established grasses before early boot stage.

Remarks Do not exceed 0.7 pints/A per growing season or 2 applications per season, and separate applications by 14 days.

Caution There are no grazing restrictions after applying Starane Ultra. Do not harvest grass for hay or silage from treated area within 7 days of application. Withdraw meat animals from treated forage at least 2 days before slaughter.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family Pyridine

fluroxypyr + bromoxynil (Starane NXT)

Rate 0.063 to 0.125 lb ai/A fluroxypyr + 0.26 to 0.5 lb ai/A bromoxynil (14 to 27.4 oz/A Starane NXT)

Time For best performance, apply to emerged and actively growing broadleaf weeds less than 2 inches high or 1 inch wide. Apply to two-leaf seedling grasses up to early boot stage or to established grasses before early boot stage. Reduced weed control may occur when applied in cold conditions. See label for recommended environmental conditions for timing of application.

Remarks Seedling grasses tolerant to Starane NXT include Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, orchardgrass, and perennial ryegrass. Established grasses tolerant to Starane NXT include bluegrass, fescue, perennial ryegrass, and bermudagrass.

Caution Do not plant any nonlabeled rotation crop within 120 days of application. Do not feed treated grasses to livestock or allow treated area to be grazed.

Site of action (fluroxypyr) Group 4: synthetic auxin; (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family (fluroxypyr) Pyridine; (bromoxynil) Nitrile

fluroxypyr + clopyralid (WideMatch)

Rate 0.094 to 0.125 lb ai/A fluroxypyr + 0.094 to 0.125 lb ai/A clopyralid (1 to 1.33 pints/A WideMatch)

Time For best performance, apply to emerged and actively growing broadleaf weeds less than 4 inches tall or before vining. Apply to two-leaf seedling grasses up to early boot stage or to established grasses before early boot stage. Weed control may be reduced when applied in cold conditions. See label for recommended environmental conditions at application.

Remarks Controls broadleaf weeds including kochia, wild buckwheat, Canada thistle, volunteer potato, and prickly lettuce. Tank-mix compatible with MCPA, dicamba, bromoxynil, or 2,4-D. Tank-mixes help to broaden annual-weed control spectrum but may reduce efficacy on perennial weeds such as Canada thistle. Do not tank mix with 2,4-D, MCPA, or dicamba unless the risk of crop injury is acceptable.

Caution Do not apply to bentgrass unless crop injury can be tolerated. See label for rotation restrictions on other crops. Do not harvest grass for hay or silage from treated area within 7 days of application. Withdraw meat animals from treated forage at least 2 days before slaughter. Some grass-seed straw export markets will not accept straw from grasses treated with products containing clopyralid.

Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (both) Pyridine