Annual Bluegrass Management

glufosinate-ammonium (several trade names)

Oregon only, grass weeds

Rate Fall broadcast: use 0.18 lb ai/A (10 oz/A Rely 280, Reckon 280, or Glufosinate 280); Spring broadcast: use 0.30 to 0.37 lb ai/A (16.5-20 oz/A Rely 280, Reckon 280, or Glufosinate 280); Spring directed, shielded spray: use 1.0 to 1.5 lb ai/A (55-82 oz/A Rely 280, Reckon 280, or Glufosinate 280)

Time Apply to established and seedling fields. Treat newly established fields after the first tiller has developed and prior to December 1. Spray established fields when crop begins active growth in early spring, usually prior to April 1.

Remarks One spring broadcast application can be made following a fall broadcast application. Use in the spring as a rescue treatment in established crops or if fall-applied herbicide programs have not been adequate. Glufosinate controls or suppresses annual and roughstalk bluegrass, mannagrass, and some brome species.

Caution Glufosinate may severely injure some crop species. Do not broadcast apply glufosinate on fine fescue, orchardgrass, or Poa spp. grown for seed. Directed, shielded sprays are suggested for fine fescues, orchardgrass or Poa spp. grown for seed. See specific restrictions and directions on the glufosinate OR SLN labels. Consult a crop adviser or an OSU Extension specialist for more information. Growers assume all liability for crop injury when using glufosinate in grasses grown for seed. Do not graze treated fields for one year following application.

Site of action Group 10: glutamine synthase inhibitor

Chemical family Phosphinic acid