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Displaying 41 - 50 of 56 results.
Pasture and grass hay-European crane fly Tipula paludosa Pest description and crop damage Larvae are gray grubs that feed underground, on roots and crowns, from October through May. Older larvae may feed above ground on stems and leaves during the night. ...

Pasture and grass hay-Fly Face fly (Musca autumnalis) Horn fly (Haematobia irritans) Pest description and damage Flies annoy livestock and compromise weight gain. Management-chemical control diflubenzuron (Dimilin 2L, 25W) at 0.031 lb ai/A. PHI 1 day for ...
Pasture and grass hay-Grasshopper Many species, including Clearwinged grasshopper (Camnula pellucida) Lesser migratory grasshopper (Melanopus sanguinipes) Redlegged grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum) Twostriped grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus) Pest d ...

Pasture and grass hay-Grass scale (mealybug) Eriococcus insignis Pest description and crop damage On timothy hay or timothy-alfalfa mixed-stand hay crops only. This scale weakens stands. It can be a serious pest in western regions where it has become esta ...
Pasture and grass hay-Harvester ant Pogonomyrmex spp. Pest description and crop damage Large reddish ants found east of the Cascades. They build soil and pebble mounds and destroy vegetation around the mounds. May sting viciously when disturbed. Managemen ...

Pasture and grass hay-Mosquito Management-chemical control Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (VectoBac WDG)-PHI 0 days. See label for rates. Bt products are used to control mosquito larvae in ponds, pools, catch basins, etc., and do not kill adults. ...
Pasture and grass hay-Spider mite Banks grass mite (Oligonychus pratensis) Tetranychus spp. Pest description and crop damage On timothy hay or timothy- alfalfa mixed-stand hay crops only. Spider mites silver and stunt hay crop. Can reduce yield of timothy ...

Pasture and grass hay-Thrips Frankliniella spp. and other species Pest description and crop damage On timothy hay or timothy- alfalfa mixed-stand hay crops only. Thrips scar and silver timothy and can reduce hay crop yield. Management-chemical control bet ...
Vetch hay-Armyworm and cutworm Many species Pest description and crop damage Caterpillars vary in color when full grown: 1 to 2 inches long. They feed on foliage of older plants or cut off young plants at ground level. Larvae of both commonly feed on plan ...
Vetch hay-Pea leaf weevil Sitona lineata Pest description and crop damage This is the common, large light-green aphid found on most legumes. Large populations weaken plants, secrete honeydew, and can reduce hay yield. Management-chemical control zeta-cype ...