Landscape pests-Leaf beetle

Family Chrysomelidae includes many species of leaf beetle on many hosts

Pest description and damage This family of beetles includes many small, often brightly colored, but damaging beetles that feed on many plants. This family includes flea beetles that are around 0.2 inch long to the leaf beetles at around 0.4 inch long. The eggs hatch into dark alligator-like larvae with tapered bodies. The young larvae scrape the tissue from the leaves until only the veins (or skeleton of the leaf) remain. When abundant, some species can skeletonize all the leaves on large trees. At other times, they may only cause minor damage. Adults chew holes in leaves while larvae skeletonize leaves.

Biology and life history Biology varies with the many species of leaf beetles in the PNW. Adults usually emerge from hibernation in spring, mate, and lay clusters of colored eggs on leaves. Larvae feed through the spring or summer. The number of generations per season depends on the species of beetle. Larvae often pupate on the host or may drop to the ground to pupate.

Pest monitoring Watch for the larvae or feeding damage (holes) to appear in leaf tissues. Sticky traps may be helpful, especially early in the spring as the adults emerge from hibernation.

Management--cultural control

Select less favored species or cultivars. In some cases, a handheld vacuum may be helpful to remove adults or pupae on the ground.

Management--biological control

For established or native pests, natural enemies such as parasitoids or predators may have some effect. Pheromones or traps may be available for some pests.

Management-chemical control

See Table 2 in: