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Displaying 21 - 30 of 56 results.
Alfalfa hay-Pea leaf weevil Sitona lineatus Pest description and crop damage Adults are grayish brown weevils about 0.16 inch long with three faint stripes on the thorax. They appear in large numbers in spring and sometimes late summer. Adult feeding occa ...
Image related to Alfalfa hay-Pea leaf weevil
Alfalfa hay-Slug Pest description and crop damage Snails and slugs are nocturnal and generally feed during the night damaging many varieties of plants and plant seedlings. They inhabit damp, moist areas around decaying refuse, organic matter, and hide at ...
Alfalfa hay-Western spotted cucumber beetle Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata Pest description and crop damage Adults are green to yellow with 12 black spots on wing covers. They feed on seedlings and retard growth or reduce stands. Occasionally ...
Image related to Alfalfa hay-Western spotted cucumber beetle
Clover hay-Aphid Includes Clover aphid (Nearctaphis bakeri) Pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) Pest description and crop damage Clover aphid can be serious on red clover in the PNW. The clover aphid is much smaller than the pea aphid, is yellow, and builds u ...
Image related to Clover hay-Aphid
Clover hay-Clover leaf weevil Donus zoilus Pest description and crop damage This is the largest weevil found in legume fields. The full-grown larva is about 0.5 inch long and has a brown head. The body is green or yellowish green shading to pink at the ti ...
Image related to Clover hay-Clover leaf weevil
Clover hay-Clover root borer Hylastinus obscurus Pest description and crop damage Adults are bark beetles, 0.1 inch long and dark brown. They begin activity as early as March and may disperse from March through August. Larvae are creamy white and burrow w ...
Image related to Clover hay-Clover root borer
Clover hay-Clover root curculio Sitona hispidulus Pest description and crop damage Adults are small grayish weevils 0.2 inch long. Larvae feed on fibrous roots and chew cavities in main roots. This insect usually is at low levels on many of the clovers bu ...
Image related to Clover hay-Clover root curculio
Clover hay-Cutworm and armyworm Bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata) Variegated cutworm (Peridroma saucia) Pest description and crop damage These larvae vary a lot in color. By day, the larger larvae are in soil cracks or under duff or leaves. They comm ...
Image related to Clover hay-Cutworm and armyworm
Clover hay-Grasshopper Includes several species, especially Melanoplus spp. Pest description and crop damage Both young and adult grasshoppers damage by feeding on leaves. Management-chemical control azadirachtin (Neemix 4.5) at 0.015 to 0.021 lb ai/A. RE ...
Image related to Clover hay-Grasshopper
Clover hay-Lesser clover leaf weevil Hypera nigrirostris Pest description and crop damage Green or brown weevils about0.125 inch long. Larvae feed under the basal leaf sheath, tunnel in the stem, and feed on florets in developing flowers. This is seldom a ...
Image related to Clover hay-Lesser clover leaf weevil