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Displaying 51 - 60 of 65 results.
Radish seed-Lygus bug Lygus spp. Pest description and crop damage Adults are 0.18 inch long and have a light yellow V on the back. Lygus bugs pierce buds and suck sap, injuring both vegetative and reproductive buds. Damage includes blasted buds, blossom d ...

Radish seed-Slug Several species Pest description and crop damage Mollusks that feed on foliage and leave slime trails. Management-chemical control metaldehyde baits (Deadline M-Ps, Lock Out, Metarex, Slugger 4.0, Slugger Ultra, Trails End LG, TKO the Kno ...
Radish seed-Wireworm Limonius spp. and Ctenicera spp. Pest description and crop damage Brown, shiny, jointed larvae of click beetles. Larvae are from 0.33 to 0.5 inch long. They inhabit soil for 2 to 5 years during maturation, feeding on plant roots and l ...

Rutabaga and turnip seed-Aphid Cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) Turnip aphid (Lipaphis pseudobrassicae) Pest description and crop damag e Both species are gray mealy plant lice that form colonies on foliage. Management-chemical control pymetrozine (F ...

Rutabaga and turnip seed-Cabbage maggot Delia brassicae Pest description and crop damage Larvae are legless white maggots that feed on roots. Management-chemical control See: Turnip (roots and tops) and rutabaga-Cabbage maggot Rutabaga and turnip seed Cab ...

Spinach seed-Looper Includes alfalfa looper (Autographa californica) Pest description and crop damage Mottled gray moth, 1.5 inches in length, with silver markings on forewings. Worms are slender (1 inch) and dark olive-green with a paler head marked with ...

Spinach seed-Aphid Bean aphid (Aphis fabae) Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) Melon aphid (Aphid gossypii) Pest description and crop damage Bean aphids are black and colonize foliage. Green peach aphids are yellowish pink to pale green with a large, dist ...

Spinach seed-Collembola (Springtail) Primarily Onychiurus pseudarmatus Pest description and crop damage Small, white, slow-moving, soil-dwelling insects that feed on germinating seeds or roots of small plants, causing reduced stands and loss of vigor in s ...

Spinach seed-European cranefly Tipula paludosa Pest description and crop damage Small, gray-brown, worm-like larvae that develop a tough skin and are commonly called leatherjackets. They feed on clover and a number of vegetables. Management-chemical contr ...

Spinach seed-Two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Pest description and crop damage Adult mites are about 0.06 inch long, have four pairs of legs, are greenish to pink or cream color, and have various-sized black spots on the body. Under warm condit ...