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Displaying 271 - 280 of 328 results.
Rutabaga-see Turnip (roots and tops) and rutabaga Rutabaga-see Turnip (roots and tops) and rutabaga ...
Salsify-Aphid Includes Bean aphid (Aphis fabae) Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) Pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) Potato aphid (Macrosyphum euphorbiae) Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-cultura ...

Salsify-Armyworm Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) Bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata) Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-chemical control: HOME USE Apply any one of these materials to the soi ...

Salsify-Wireworm Limonius spp. Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Management-biological, cultural, tactical See: Potato, Irish-Wireworm Management-chemical control: HOME USE bifenthrin (as a mix with zeta-c ...

Shallot-see Leek and shallot Shallot-see Leek and shallot ...
Spinach-Aphid Includes Bean aphid (Aphis fabae) Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) Melon aphid (Aphis gossypii) Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Pest monitoring Check plants frequently after transplant or ...

Spinach-Armyworm and cutworm Includes Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) Bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata) Western yellowstriped armyworm (Spodoptera praefica) Black cutworm (Agotis ipsilon) Variegated cutworm (Peridroma saucia) Pest description, crop ...

Spinach-Collembola (springtail) Primarily Onychiurus pseudarmatus Pest description and crop damage Small, white, slow-moving, soil-dwelling insects that feed on germinating seeds or roots of small plants, causing reduced stands and loss of vigor in surviv ...
Spinach-Cucumber beetle Western spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) Western striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma trivittatum) Pest description, crop damage and life history See: Common Pests of Vegetable Crops Pest monitoring Specific treatm ...

Spinach-European cranefly Tipula paludosa Pest description and crop damage Small, gray-brown, worm-like larvae that develop a tough skin and are commonly called leatherjackets. They feed on clover and a number of vegetables. They are particularly damaging ...