Postplant Surface and Postemergence

linuron (Lorox DF)

Cilantro, dill, and parsley

Rate 0.5 to 1 lb ai/a (1 to 2 lb/a Lorox DF)

Time Apply before crop and weeds emerge or after planting when cilantro has at least 3 leaves and weeds have 3 leaves or less.

Remarks Use lower rates on light soils, but do not use on extremely sandy soils or soils with less than 1% organic matter. Plant seed 0.5 inches deep. Activate with 0.5 inch water. Maximum 3 lb/a per year west of the Rocky Mountains. PHI is 21 days.

Caution Varieties may differ in tolerance to linuron. Do not apply to sandy or sandy loam soils to avoid injury or postemergent when temperatures are above 85°F. Use lower rates if applying after 3 or more consecutive cloudy days. Consult label for planting sensitive crops within 4 months. REI for hand set irrigation is 4 days. Do not exceed 40 psi spray nozzle pressure.

Site of action Group 7: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Substituted urea

prometryn (Caparol 4L)

Cilantro and parsley

Rate Cilantro: 1 to 1.6 lb ai/a (2 to 3.2 pints/a); Parsley: 0.5 lb ai/a (1 pint/a)

Time Cilantro: make one single application at the rate of 2 to 3.2 pints/a. Parsley: make a single preemergence broadcast application of Caparol 4L up to 14 days after planting at the rate of 1.0 pint/a.

Remarks Use in at least 20 gal/a spray volume. Red beets and onions should not be planted for 8 months after application. Use lower rates on coarse soils, or if low organic matter. Use higher rate on fine soils with high organic matter.

Caution Preharvest interval is 30 days. Do not use on sand or loamy sand. Do not exceed 3.2 pints/a per crop cycle.

Site of action Group 5: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Triazine

s-metolachlor (Dual Magnum)

Cilantro only

Rate 0.64-0.96 lb ai/a (0.67 to 1.0 pt/a).

Time Apply preplant surface, postplant surface, or when crop has 2 to 4 leaves.

Remarks Apply before weeds emerge and activate with irrigation if rainfall absent. Controls many summer annual grasses, pigweed other broadleaf weeds, but is weak on lambsquarters, mustard weeds and nightshade at this low rate. OR SLN 200004 label that requires signature on Syngenta Crop Protection site ( ).

Caution Do not preplant incorporate. One application/yr. 30 d PHI for fresh harvest; 70 d PHI for seed.

Site of action Group 15: inhibits very long chain fatty acid synthesis

Chemical family Chloroacetamide