bromoxynil (Buctril 4EC or Broclean)
Rate 0.375 to 0.5 lb ai/A (0.75 to 1 pint/A Buctril 4EC)
Time Apply postemergence to weeds less than 4-leaf and 2 inches tall, preferably to weeds in the cotyledon stage.
Remarks Finish treatments before garlic is 12 inches tall. Use higher rate on larger weeds. PHI 60 days.
Caution Do not ingest or inhale spray mist. Prevent contact with skin. Wear protective face shields, respirators, and clothing. Preharvest interval is 112 days. 1 pint/A per season.
Site of action Group 6: Photosystem II inhibitor
Chemical family Nitrile
carfentrazone (Aim)
Rate up to 0.031 lb ai/A (0.5 to 2 fl oz/A Aim EC) per application in at least 10 gal/A finished spray.
Time Apply with hooded sprayer between rows of emerged crop.
Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor
Chemical family Triazinone
clethodim (Select 2EC; or Prism in Oregon only)
Rate 0.094 to 0.25 lb ai/A (6 to 16 fl oz/A Select)
Time Apply to actively growing grass weeds, including annual bluegrass, at growth stage listed on label.
Remarks Read label carefully for adjuvant instructions, and effects of rain within 1 hour, application of other pesticides, or cultivation..
Caution Preharvest interval is 45 days.
Site of action Group 1: acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor
Chemical family Cyclohexanedione
dimethenamid-P (Outlook)
Rate 0.56 to 0.84 lb ai/A (12 to 18 fl oz/A) on coarse soils and 0.84 to 0.98 ai/A (18 to 21 fl oz/A) in medium- or fine-texture soils. May be applied in a single application only. Do not exceed 21 fl oz/A per season.
Time Apply postemergence from the two-true-leaf stage up to 30 days before harvest.
Remarks Postemergence by ground, chemigation, aerial, impregnated onto dry bulk fertilizer, or layby (including postemergence-directed).
Caution Applying before the two-true-leaf stage may significantly injure the crop.
Site of action Group 15: inhibits very long chain fatty acid synthesis
Chemical family Chloroacetamide
ethofumesate (Ethotron SC)
Rate 0.5 lb ai/A (16 fl oz/A) with up to four evenly spaced sequential applications
Time Postemergence
Remarks Supplemental label. Do not use smaller than 50 mesh screen and avoid overlaps, which may increase risk of crop injury. In postemergent applications, rain or irrigation within 6 hr after applying may reduce weed control.
Caution May cause temporary leaf fusion, distortion, and stunting when used as label directs and under normal growing conditions. If crop is lost due to unfavorable growth conditions after application, do not plant anything except sugar beets, table beets, onions, garlic, shallots, or ryegrass.
Site of action Group 16: unknown
Chemical family Benzofuran
fluazifop (Fusilade DX)
Rate Refer to label directions for specific grassy weeds.
Time Apply to actively growing grasses as a directed spray with 1% crop oil or 0.25% nonionic surfactant.
Remarks Identify grasses, and adjust rates for susceptibility and stage of weed growth as on label. Results often are erratic on grasses stressed from lack of vigor, drought, high temperature, or low fertility. More mature grasses and quackgrass can be controlled but may require two applications. Annual bluegrass and all fine fescues resist treatment. Inhibits fatty acid production, cell membranes, and new growth.
Caution Preharvest interval is 45 days. Do not exceed 48 fl oz/A per year. Grazing is prohibited.
Site of action Group 1: acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor
Chemical family Aryloxyphenoxy propionate
oxyfluorfen (GoalTender)
Rate 0.12 to 0.25 lb ai/A (0.25 to 0.5 pints/A GoalTender)
Time Apply postemergence to garlic with two fully developed true leaves.
Remarks Multiple treatments may be required as new weeds emerge, but do not exceed 0.5 lb ai/A per season. Use a clean sprayer and do not mix with oils, surfactants, or other agricultural chemicals.
Caution Do not apply to garlic under stress. Leaves may curl slightly, and young plants sometimes become prostrate on the soil surface for 1 to 2 days, but yields have not been reduced. Preharvest interval is 60 days.
Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor
Chemical family Diphenylether
sethoxydim (Poast)
Rate 0.19 to 0.28 lb ai/A (1 to 1.5 pints/A Poast) depending on target grass species
Time Apply at optimum growth stage listed on label.
Remarks Control is often erratic on grasses stunted or stressed from drought, high temperatures, or low fertility. Resistant grasses include annual bluegrass and all fine fescues, but quackgrass can be suppressed. Add 2 pints/A nonphytotoxic crop oil concentrate or methylated seed oil to improve leaf absorption and efficacy. Inhibits fatty acid production, cell membranes, and new growth.
Caution Preharvest interval is 30 days. Do not exceed 4.5 pints/A per season.
Site of action Group 1: acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor
Chemical family Cyclohexanedione