ethofumesate (Nortron SC, Ethotron)
Washington and Oregon only
Rate Preemergence: 1.875 lb ai/A (60 fl oz/A); early postemergence: maximum rate is 5.25 fl oz/A at 2- and 4-leaf stage, and 10.6 oz/A at 6- to 8-leaf. Weed control diminishes in fine-texture soils and soils with high organic matter.
Time Apply after planting and activate with at least 0.5 inch water.
Remarks Do not use smaller than 50 mesh screen and avoid overlaps that may increase risk of crop injury. For postemergent applications, rain or irrigation within 6 hr after application reduces weed control. Controls black nightshade but may need to tank mix with Spin-Aid (phenmedipham) to control hairy nightshade postemergence.
Caution May cause temporary leaf fusion, distortion, and stunting when used according to label directions and under normal growing conditions. If crop is lost due to unfavorable growth conditions after application, do not plant anything except sugar beets, table beets, onions, garlic, shallots, or ryegrass. Rotation interval: 6 months if < 12 fl oz/A; 12 months if > 12 fl oz/A.
Site of action Group 16: unknown
Chemical family Benzofuran
S-metolachlor (Dual Magnum)
Oregon only, indemnified SLN OR-060012
Rate 0.64 lb ai/A (0.67 pints/A Dual Magnum)
Time Make a single broadcast application of Dual Magnum to soil surface after planting but before weeds or crop emerge. For effective weed control, Dual Magnum must be applied to clean-tilled soil.
Remarks Make uniform applications in at least 15 gal/A water. A band application also may be used. Irrigate after application to activate the herbicide if rain is not expected. If the crop is irrigated, use 0.5 inch of water shortly after planting to incorporate herbicide. Excessive irrigation before crop emerges may increase risk of crop injury.
Tank mixing Nortron with Dual Magnum can substantially improve hairy nightshade control. Tank-mixes that have performed well in field studies on medium soil textures are Dual Magnum at 0.5 to 0.67 pint/A + Nortron at 1 pint/A.
Caution Do not use this herbicide if some injury cannot be tolerated. May reduce table beet emergence if application is followed by cold and rainy weather. Do not mechanically incorporate Dual Magnum. Do not use Dual Magnum if the planting operation creates a furrow or trough over the seed row into which rain or irrigation water will collect, and thus concentrate the herbicide over the row. Do not use on coarse soils with less than 1.5% organic matter. Do not use on soils with greater than 10% organic matter. Do not exceed 0.67 pint/A of Dual Magnum in any single application or in total applications per crop.
Site of action Group 15: inhibits very long chain fatty acid synthesis
Chemical family Chloroacetamide