Preharvest Desiccation

diquat (Reglone)

Idaho-collard, dill, endive, garden beet, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce, mustard, onion, parsnip, radish, turnip, sugar beet, and Swiss chard seed
Oregon-cabbage, coriander, kohlrabi, onion, radish, rutabaga, spinach, sugar beet, Swiss chard, table beet, and turnip seed
Washington-carrot, coriander, radish (not Diakon radish), spinach, sugarbeet, table beet, and turnip seed

Rate 0.375 to 0.5 lb ai/A (1.5 to 2 pints/A Reglone)

Time Apply 3 to 10 days before swathing for harvest, when most seed is harvest ripe (spinach is tan to gray ripe).

Remarks SLN labels ID-100006, OR-080025, and WA-040011.

Caution Do not apply through any type of irrigation system. Do not use seed or residues from treated plants for food, feed, or oil purposes. Do not use on daikon radish. Application restricted in Washington; contact Washington State Department of Agriculture before applying.

Site of action Group 22: inhibits photosystem I electron diversion

Chemical family Bipyridilium