This section summarizes herbicides and herbicide mixtures for use within turfgrass.
Weed susceptibilities to these materials can be found in the table at the end of this section.
Caution Information in this handbook is not intended to be a complete guide to herbicide use. Before using any chemical, read the container label recommendations. Before a chemical can be recommended for a specific use, it must be thoroughly tested. Following the recommendation on the manufacturer's label can prevent many problems from arising through the wrong use of a chemical.
Weed and Feed Products Granular products containing fertilizer and herbicide (often referred to as weed and feed) are popular within the residential and commercial turfgrass industry. Be sure to read the label closely when selecting a fertilizer/herbicide combination. These products contain a variety of different herbicide activities including pre-emergent and post-emergent. A few examples of available products include: 10-3-10 fertilizer with 0.2% Dimension, 22-0-4 All in One Weed and Feed, 18-0-6 Weed Free Zone Plus, 12-5-5 Premium Weed & Feed, 20-0-0 Ultra Turf Moss-Ex Lawn Granules, and 22-4-10 Fert with TGR Poa Annua Control.
2,4-D (2,4-D Amine 4)
Rate 2 to 4 pints/A
Time Apply when broadleaf weeds listed on label are actively growing.
Remarks 2,4-D is a foliar- or root-absorbed translocated herbicide available as amine salts and low-volatile esters. Amines are generally safe in a wide range of temperatures. Esters are useful in cool, rainy weather but are more likely to volatilize. 2,4-D is effective on dandelion, false dandelion, and plantains but weak on clover and other hard-to-kill weeds. 2,4-D is best used in mixtures for broad-spectrum weed control.
Caution 2,4-D may injure sensitive grasses such as bentgrass (turf) and roughstalk bluegrass when applied at high rates or during periods of environmental stress. Make sure to follow the regulations in eastern Washington for formulation and application timing allowed. Do not exceed maximum of 6 pints/A per season, excluding spot treatments.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid
bromoxynil (Broclean for sod farms, Agrisolutions MOXY 2E, Agristar BROX 2EC, Buctril 4EC Herbicide, Buctril Herbicide, Cleansweep D Herbicide, Maestro 2EC Herbicide, Maestro 4EC Selective Herbicide)
Rate 1 to 2 pints/A. All mixtures with bromoxynil are for nonresidential turfgrasses.
Time Must be applied to actively growing weed seedlings (less than four-leaf stage, 2 inches tall, or 1 inch in diameter) for optimal control.
Remarks Broclean is available as an octanoic acid ester formulation of bromoxynil. A selective postemergence herbicide, it controls certain broadleaf weeds in sod production, seedling and established nonresidential turfgrass, noncropland, and industrial sites. Acts on contact with very little persistence. Established turfgrasses tolerant to bromoxynil are bentgrasses, Kentucky bluegrass, fescues, ryegrass, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, and St. Augustinegrass. It is active on a range of weeds, including annual sowthistle, field pennycress, lambsquarters, nightshades (black, eastern black, cutleaf, hairy, and silverleaf), green and Pennsylvania smartweed, pepperweed, and shepherd's purse. It will suppress Canada thistle only by burning down the top growth. See label for tank-mix recommendations with specific herbicides, and for cautions and additional weeds that those mixtures control.
Caution Leaves may burn if plants are stressed at time of application. Apply to dry foliage when weather is not extreme, to minimize temporary leaf burn. Do not apply with fertilizers if leaf burn is a concern due to environmental conditions. Screens should not be finer than 50 mesh in nozzle tips and in-line strainers on the sprayer. Do not exceed 2 pints/A.
Site of action Group 6: photosynthesis II inhibitor
Chemical family Nitrile
carfentrazone-ethyl (QuickSilver T&O Herbicide)
Rate As a stand-alone for broadleaf weed control apply at 1.0 to 2.1 fl oz/A. In a tank mixture with 2,4-D, dicamba, MCPA and other various combinations use QuickSilver at 1.0 fl oz/A.
Time Apply when broadleaf weeds listed on label are actively growing. Do not apply when conditions favor spray drift or poor spray coverage. Allow at least 2 weeks between sequential broadcast applications. Do not apply by air or through any type of irrigation system.
Remarks QuickSilver T&O Herbicide is a contact herbicide with little or no residual activity. It provides selective postemergence control of broadleaf weeds and silvery thread moss (Bryum argenteum) in turfgrass. It is an aryl triazolinone herbicide that interrupts chlorophyll synthesis and produces metabolic byproducts that disrupt plant cell membranes. This process occurs only in susceptible green plants in the presence of light. Symptoms may appear on foliage in 24 hr or less, in susceptible plants. Complete desiccation and death occur within 7 to 14 days of application. QuickSilver is rainfast within 1 hr after application. Established cool-season grasses generally tolerate applications at labeled rates. Tall fescue may yellow slightly within 3 to 5 days after application under some conditions. Recovery typically is within 4 to 7 days. If such injury cannot be tolerated, apply to a small test area before treating a large area. QuickSilver can be applied to the following species of turfgrass 7 days or more after emergence: creeping bentgrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, and Kentucky bluegrass.
Caution Do not apply to carpetgrass, dichondra, or to lawns or turf with desirable clovers. Avoid spray drift to nontarget, desirable, susceptible plants such as vegetables, flowers, ornamentals, trees, and shrubs. Product can be tank-mixed with other products but observe all label restrictions regarding turf tolerance of companion products when tank-mixed with QuickSilver T&O. Maintain spray solution at pH 5 to 8. Do not exceed 6.7 fl oz/A (0.1 lb ai/A) per application or 26.8 fl oz/A (0.4 lb ai/A) per season.
Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor
Chemical family Triazinone
clopyralid (Lontrel T&O, Clean Slate)
Rate 0.25 to 1.33 pints/A (0.09 to 0.50 lb ae/A)
Time Apply to broadleaf weeds listed on label only on healthy, well-established turf that has a well-anchored root system.
Remarks A foliar- and root-absorbed, highly translocated herbicide formulated as an amine salt. It is active on legumes, black medic, clover (red, hop, white, and sweet), thistles, knapweeds, and speedwell. Use on nonresidential turf such as athletic and recreational sports fields, cemeteries, golf courses, industrial sites, military bases, noncropland, parks, rights-of-way, schools, and other nonresidential turf roadsides.
Caution A restricted-use herbicide in Washington. For use on golf courses only in Washington and Oregon. Lawn uses are restricted to nonresidential uses only. Lontrel T&O is safe on bentgrass; Kentucky bluegrass; Chewings, creeping, and sheep fescue; tall fescue; and perennial ryegrass. May discolor or stunt turf that is not well established or that is stressed by unfavorable conditions. Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or water for irrigation or domestic uses. Susceptible trees or shrubs (legumes) will be injured if sprays contact exposed suckers and/or roots. Do not reseed turfgrass for 3 weeks after application. Do not use on golf course putting greens or tees or on residential turf. Do not send clippings to a compost facility. Do not collect grass clippings for mulch or compost. Applicators must tell landowners/property managers not to use grass clippings for composting.
Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor
Chemical family Pyridine
clopyralid + triclopyr (Confront, Quali-Pro 2-D Herbicide)
Rate 1 to 2 pints/A (0.09 to 0.19 lb ae/A clopyralid; 0.28 to 0.56 lb ae/A triclopyr)
Time Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds listed on label.
Remarks A foliar- and root-absorbed, highly translocated herbicide formulated as an amine salt. It is active on legumes, docks, knotweed, and dandelions, among others.
Caution A restricted-use herbicide in Oregon and Washington. For use on golf courses only in Washington and Oregon. Clopyralid + triclopyr mixtures appear safe on tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass but may injure bent-grasses, roughstalk bluegrass, and annual bluegrass. Do not use on residential turf. Do not send clippings to a compost facility or use for mulch or compost. Applicators must tell landowners/property managers not to use grass clippings for composting. Do not exceed 4 pints/A Confront per year.
Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family (both) Pyridine
dicamba (Banvel Herbicide, Clarity Herbicide, Clash Selective Herbicide, Alligare Cruise Control, Alligare Dicamba 4, Detonate Herbicide, Diablo, Dicamba DMA Salt, Dicamba MAX 4, Dicamba, Dicash DGA-4 Herbicide, DuPont BL1 Herbicide, DuPont Dicamba XP Herbicide, DuPont Fexapan, Topeka, Riverdale Vanquish, Vision, Rifle Herbicide, Agrisolutions Sterling Blue Herbicide, Xtendimax with Vaporgrip Technology)
Rate 0.25 to 2 pints/A (0.125 to 1 lb ae/A)
Time Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds listed on label.
Remarks Dicamba is a foliar- and root-absorbed translocated herbicide available in dimethylamine and sodium salt formulations. It is active on a wide range of weeds, including clovers, chickweeds, and yarrow. It is weak on Oxalis species (woodsorrel), violets, plantains, and pineapple weed, among others. Dicamba is widely used in mixtures to broaden the spectrum of weed control.
Caution Dicamba persists in soil longer than other common broadleaf herbicides and can move with the wetting front of soil water. Used repeatedly at high rates, it can injure nontarget trees and shrubs via root uptake. As formulated in mixtures, dicamba is generally safe when applied at label rates. Wait 30 days between applications. Do not exceed 4 pints/A per growing season.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Benzoic acid
dichlorprop (2,4-DP or many other products)
Rate Use a maximum of 0.75 lb ae/A per broadcast application; maximum of 2 lb ae/A for spot treatments.
Time Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds listed on label.
Remarks 2,4-DP is a foliar- or root-absorbed translocated herbicide available in many mixtures with many other ingredients, in ester and potassium salt formulations. Weed control spectrum is limited when used alone. In mixtures, it generally is more active than MCPP, which it replaces.
Caution Tolerance of grasses to 2,4-DP appears to be similar to tolerance of 2,4-D. Aerial applications are prohibited. Broadcast applications are limited to 0.75 lb ae/A total in no more than two applications per year at least 30 days apart. Spot treatments are limited to 2 lb ae/A total in no more than two applications per year at least 30 days apart. Mixers and loaders supporting handgun applications must wear respirators. Do not apply within 25 ft of water. Reentry interval is 48 hr.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid
dithiopyr (Armortech CGC 2L, Dimension 2EW Specialty Herbicide, Dimension EC Specialty Herbicide, Dimension Ultra 40WP Specialty Herbicide, Dimension 270-G Turf & Landscape Ornamental, Dithiopyr 2L Specialty Herbicide, Quali-Pro Dithiopyr 40 WSB Specialty Herbicide, many fertilizer products with dithiopyr on granules.)
Rate Use 0.19 to 0.38 lb ae/A.
Time Apply preemergence when soil is about 50°F (approximately when forsythia blooms). Apply postemergence to crabgrass and annual bluegrass when they are very small (below the first tiller stage).
Remarks Dithiopyr is available in EC, 40WSB, and 40WSP formulations, as granules, and on fertilizers. It gives preemergence control of crabgrasses, foxtails, barnyardgrass, and a number of broadleaf weeds, including purslane, Oxalis species, and spurge. It also gives preemergence control of annual bluegrass (Poa annua). It gives postemergence control of crabgrass up to the first tiller growth stage. Dithiopyr appears to be safe on mature creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and some fine fescues.
Caution Do not use on seedling turf; injury will be severe. Do not apply to turf under environmental stress. Do not apply more than 0.5 lb ai/A per application or more than 1.5 lb ai/A per year in split or sequential applications.
Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor
Chemical family Pyridine
florasulam (Defendor Specialty Herbicide)
Rate Use 4 fl oz/A (0.25 pints/A; 0.09 fl oz/1,000 sq ft; 2.7 ml/1,000 sq/ft)
Time Apply to small actively growing broadleaf weeds as listed on label.
Remarks When Defendor is applied in early spring, it will prevent dandelions from blooming. It is a systemic herbicide that is absorbed via the leaves, shoots and roots of susceptible broadleaf weeds. It works as an ALS inhibitor, preventing enzyme synthesis and cell division. When applied early in the season, growth of susceptible weeds will be stunted immediately and effective control will be seen in 2 to 4 weeks. It is safe on most cool-season and warm-season grasses when they are established.
Caution Do not apply to golf course greens. When applying in tank mix combinations, follow label use directions, precautions and limitations. Do not allow Defendor to sit in tank overnight or for prolonged periods without agitation before use. Do not apply directly to desirable plants such as flowers, trees, or ornamental shrubs as serious damage may occur. Do not allow sprays of Defendor to come into contact with exposed suckers or roots of shallow rooted trees or shrubs or damage will occur. To minimize damage to turfgrass, do not apply additional applications within 4 weeks of a previous application. Do not use treated clippings for mulch around edible plants. Do not apply more than 12 fl oz (0.75 pints; 0.039 lb ai florasulam) /A per annual growing season. Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase inhibitor
Chemical family Triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide
fluroxypyr (Comet Selective Herbicide, Vista XRT, Vista XRT Specialty Herbicide)
Rate Use 0.33 to 1.33 pints/A Vista XRT (0.12 to 0.47 lb ae/A); 0.67 to 2.67 pints/A Comet (0.125 to 0.5 lb ae/A)
Time Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds as listed on label.
Remarks Supplemental label (Vista XRT). Fluroxypyr is a nonvolatile ester for postemergence control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and woody brush in established turf, including residential lawn, golf courses, sports fields, sod farms, around commercial buildings, and other commercial turf areas. Mow newly seeded turf two or three times before application. Control may be less if applied to wet foliage. Product is rainfast within 1 hour after application. Can be tank-mixed with other postemergence broadleaf herbicides for additional control of white clover, black medic, dandelion, plantain, Oxalis species, and others.
Caution Do not use on golf course putting greens or tees. Do not let spray contact exposed suckers or exposed roots of shallow-rooted trees and shrubs, or injury may occur. To minimize grass injury potential, do not reapply within 4 weeks. Avoid spraying when humidity is low and/or temperatures are high to avoid evaporation and spray drift Do not tank-mix with a product containing boron; do not mix in equipment previously used to apply a product containing boron unless the tank and spray equipment have been adequately cleaned. Undiluted Spotlight and 2,4-D amine concentrates are not compatible, and cannot be mixed together in the same supply tank when using injection equipment; however, combinations of Spotlight and 2,4-D ester are compatible for this purpose.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Pyridine
indaziflam (Spect(i)cle 20WSP, Spect(i)cle FLO, Spect(i)cle G, Esplanade 200 SC)
Warm season grasses only
Rate Specticle 20WSP: 2.5 to 5 oz/A; Do not exceed 7.1 oz/A per year. Specticle Flo: For single applications: 5 fl oz /A; for multiple applications: 3 to 4.5 fl oz /A, second application 90 days later. Esplanade should be applied at 5 fl oz/A per application to warm-season turf, repeated applications can be made but the annual rates cannot exceed 10 fl oz/A annually.
Time Apply as a preemergence herbicide to warm season grasses only.
Remarks Indaziflam is a preemergence herbicide that provides outstanding residual control (3 to 8 months) of goosegrass, crabgrasses and Poa annua, as well as many broadleaf weeds and annual sedges. It is a non-staining, low-odor formulation. Its primary site of action is the newly developing root of a germinated weed seedling. Necrosis or yellowing may be observed if the herbicide is applied to herbaceous tissue such as leaves and green stems of adjacent ornamental or sensitive turf types. Specticle carries a caution label and delivers the lowest amount of active ingredient than any other currently used preemergence herbicide in turf. Specticle applied prior to Poa annua germination will supply exceptional preemergence control while offering the flexibility of making later applications. Turf managers can receive an added benefit from an application of Specticle by being able to make applications up to 2 months after peak germination.
Caution Cool-season grasses like creeping and colonial bentgrass, annual bluegrass, roughstalk bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, perennial ryegrass, annual ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass are not tolerant to indaziflam. Esplanade is labeled for use on warm-season grasses. Indaziflam requires rainfall or irrigation after application to activate the herbicide and provide maximum control. If insufficient soil moisture is present, this might allow weeds to emerge from deeper soil layers where sufficient soil moisture for the germination of the weed seeds is available. If making more than one application per year, allow a minimum of three months between applications.
Site of action Group 29: Inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis
Chemical family Alkylazine
isoxaben (Gallery 75 Dry Flowable, Gallery SC Specialty Herbicide, Quali-Pro Isoxaben 75 WG Herbicide)
Rate 1.33 lb/A or 0.5 oz or 14 g/1,000 sq ft
Time Apply before weed seed germinates.
Remarks A preemergence herbicide that controls susceptible broadleaf weeds as they germinate. It is root-absorbed and has limited herbicidal activity once weeds emerge. Available as a dry flowable material. Controls chickweeds, clovers, Oxalis species, pineappleweed, narrowleaf plantain, spurge, and many other weeds.
Site of action Group 21: inhibits cell wall synthesis Site B
Chemical family Benzamide
Isoxaben + dithiopyr (Crew)
Rate 150 to 200 lb product per acre
Time Prior to weed germination in single or split applications in the spring, summer or fall
Remarks Used as directed, this product will control or suppress the broadleaf weeds listed on the label when applied prior to their emergence. Use the higher specified use rates where weed infestations are or anticipated to be dense and/or applications are made early and longer residual control is desirable. Sequential applications may be used to provide residual weed control in areas with long growing seasons at 5-10 weeks apart.
Site of action Group 21: cellulose inhibitor and Group 3: mitosis inhibitor
Chemical family Benzamide (isoxaben) and Pyridine (dithiopyr)
MCPA (Dagger 5.2LB MCPA Ester Herbicide, MCPA-4 Amine, Nufarm Rhomene MCPA Broadleaf Herbicide, NuFarm Rhonox MCPA Ester Herbicide, Riverdale MCPA L.V.4 Ester, Sword Selective Herbicide, Wildcard Herbicide)
Rate 0.25 to 4 pints/A
Time Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds listed on label.
Remarks A foliar- or root-absorbed translocated herbicide available in amine and sodium salts and in ester formulations. Its activity and spectrum of weed control are very similar to 2,4-D.
Caution MCPA may injure sensitive grasses such as bentgrass (turf) and roughstalk bluegrass if applied at high rates or during periods of environmental stress.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid
MCPP (Mecoprop, Gordons Prof T/O Mecomec 4 Turf Herbicide, Riverdale MCPA p-4 Amine, and many other products)
Rate Broadcast applications: 0.75 lb ae/A; Spot treatments: 1.2 lb/A to areas no larger than 1,000 sq ft; 1.45 oz/1,000 sq ft or 64 oz/A
Time Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds on label.
Remarks A foliar-absorbed translocated herbicide available in amine and potassium salt (mixes) formulations. It is effective on chickweeds when used alone but is weak on other broadleaf weeds. It is best used in mixtures with 2,4-D and dicamba, where it broadens the spectrum of weed control and reduces injury to sensitive grasses. MCPP is safer on bentgrass lawns and greens than any other phenoxy compound. Limit broadcast applications to 0.75 lb ae/A total in no more than two applications per year, at least 30 days apart. Limit spot treatments to 1.2 lb ae/A total in no more than two applications per year, at least 30 days apart. Do not apply by air or within 25 ft of water. Reentry interval is 48 hr.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid
mesotrione (Tenacity)
Rate Use 4 to 8 fl oz/A in 30 gal water for both pre-emergence and early post-emergence control. For bentgrass control use 5 fl oz/A in 30 gal of water. Do not apply more than 16 oz/A year. For spot treatment mix 1 teaspoon of Tenacity in 2 gallons of water with 3 teaspoons of nonionic surfactant, apply at a rate of 1 gal/1,000 sq ft.
Time Apply prior to seeding or following seedling emergence. When applying after seeding wait until the newly germinated turf has been mowed two times or four weeks after emergence (whichever is longer) before making a post-emergence application
Remarks Tenacity is a systemic preemergence and early postemergence herbicide for the selective contact and residual control of weeds in turfgrass [golf courses (not putting greens), sod farms, athletic fields, parks, residential and commercial properties, cemeteries, airports, and lawns]. Applied pre-emergence, weeds absorb Tenacity during emergence from soil. A repeat application is required after 2 to 3 weeks for improved postemergence weed control. Add a nonionic surfactant in post-emergence applications. Dry conditions after application may reduce the preemergence activity. If rain (0.15 inches) has not fallen within 10 days after a preemergence application, activate with 0.15 inches of irrigation.
Caution: Tenacity may temporarily whiten turfgrass foliage. Do not apply to newly germinated turfgrass until it has been mowed two times, or approximately 4 weeks after emergence. Do not use on golf greens. Do not exceed 5 fl oz/A per application to perennial ryegrass or fine fescues, or mixed stands that contain greater than 50% perennial ryegrass and/or fine fescue. Tenacity may reduce density of fine fescue seedings. Withhold traffic on treated areas until spray has dried, and irrigate lightly to move product from turf foliage before resuming normal irrigation to prevent movement onto sensitive species such as bentgrass. Do not plant any crop other than turfgrass species for 18 months after the last application of Tenacity because injury may occur.
Site of action Group 27: inhibits 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvatedioxygenase (4-HPPD)
Chemical family Triketone
metsulfuron-methyl (Alligare MSM, DuPont Escort XP Herbicide, Manor Selective Herbicide, Mansion Turf Herbicide, MSM 60DF, Metcel VMF Herbicide, Metsulfuron 60 EG. Patriot Selective Herbicide, Rometsol Herbicide)
Rate Use 0.25 to 0.5 oz Manor/A. Do not apply more than 0.5 oz/A within 9 month period.
Time Apply to actively growing weeds listed on the label.
Remarks For use on golf courses, lawns, noncrop nonagricultural areas, recreation areas, sod farms, and ornamental turf. Safe for use on Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescues. Do not apply to turf less than 1 year old, or to turfgrass stressed by drought, insects, disease, cold, temperatures above 85°F on cool-season grasses, or poor fertility; injury may result. Adding nonionic surfactant of at least 80% ai at 0.25% v/v (1 quart/100 gal) provides best performance but may temporarily increase turf chlorosis. Use spray volumes of 20 to 80 gal/A and pressures of 25 to 35 psi. Use large droplet size to minimize spray drift Mansion can control annual sowthistle, Canada thistle, common chickweed, common groundsel, yarrow, curly dock, dandelion, henbit, lambsquarters, plantain, prostrate knotweed, prostrate spurge, wild carrot, wild garlic, and woodsorrel (Oxalis).
Caution When overseeding, wait 2 months after application. Do not apply to any body of water, including streams, irrigation water, or wells. Do not apply where water may run off onto agricultural land; crop injury may result.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Sulfonylurea
penoxsulam (Sapphire, Sapphire Specialty Herbicide, )
Rate 0.25 to 0.5 pints/A (0.01 to 0.02 lb ai/A)
Time Apply to actively growing weeds.
Remarks For use on bentgrasses, Tall fescue and perennial ryegrasses on golf courses, lawns, general turf, school outdoor areas, and sod farms. Under heat stress conditions use only 0.25 pints (0.01 lb ai)/A on perennial ryegrass and tall fescues. Enhances control of white clover, dandelion, sedge weeds, ground ivy, chickweed, oxalis, bittercress, pigweed, kyllinga, sagebrush, broadleaf plantain, and English lawn daisy.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone
quinclorac (Quali-Pro Quinclorac 75DF, Drive XLR8 Herbicide, Eject 75DF, Halts Pots Crabgrass Control Turf Herbicide, NuFarm Quinclorac SPC 75 DF Herbicide)
Rate Use 0.367 oz/1,000 sq ft or 0.75 lb ai/A. On creeping bentgrass use 0.123 to 0.245 oz/1,000 sq ft or 0.25 lb ai to 0.50 lb ai/A in 2 to 3 applications. See label for timing of applications.
Time Apply postemergence to actively growing weeds listed on label. Apply preemergence before weed seeds germinate
Remarks A selective herbicide with both preemergence and postemergence activity that kills tough broadleaf weeds and grasses such as clover; dandelion; English daisy; foxtail; common, slender, and thymeleaf speedwell; and crabgrass. Drive herbicide enters susceptible weeds through foliage and roots. It is translocated throughout the plant and accumulates in the meristematic regions, where it disrupts plant growth. It offers residual control of annual and perennial weeds through germinating seed uptake. Residual control is 60 to 90 days, depending on application rates, soil type, weed species, and moisture availability. After applying Drive, plants exhibit leaf and stem twisting and chlorosis. Grasses exhibit stunting, chlorosis, and a gradual reddening, followed by necrosis. Use methylated seed oil or crop oil concentrate additives for greater efficacy; see label for rates.
Caution Do not mow 2 days before or after applying Drive 75DF, to maximize weed control. Mulch clippings on site the first three mowings after applying. Do not irrigate for 24 hr after applying; however, irrigation 2 to 7 days after application is recommended. Drive XLR8 is a liquid formulation that is rainfast in approximately 30 minutes. The liquid formulation can also be mixed with other postemergence broadleaf herbicides to increase the spectrum of control. Do not apply within 4 weeks after perennial ryegrass or Kentucky bluegrass seedlings emerge. Applications before or after seeding a turf area will not significantly interfere with germination and growth of Kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass, buffalograss, tall fescue, or annual and perennial ryegrass. Must be applied before seedlings emerge. Fine fescues and creeping bentgrasses are only moderately tolerant. Colonial bentgrass is highly susceptible to damage from Drive. Do not apply to golf course collars or greens. Do not allow drift to desirable plants, especially those in the Solanaceae family such as tomatoes, eggplants, and bell peppers. Do not use clippings as mulch or compost around flowers, ornamentals, or trees, or in vegetable gardens.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Quinoline carboxylic acid
sulfentrazone (Dismiss Turf Herbicide)*
Rate Dismiss Turf Herbicide will control or suppress sedges when applied at a rate of 4 to 12 fl oz/A. Apply the highest rate consistent with the rate needed for turfgrass safety (See Table 1 on label). Rates lower than 12 fl oz/A will generally control sedges for at least 60 days. For optimum control of purple nutsedge an initial application of 4 to 8 oz/A followed by a second application is suggested.
Time First application of this product can be made following the second mowing providing the turfgrass has developed into a uniform stand with a good root system. Creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, rough bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue and perennial ryegrasses are tolerant to this herbicide.
Remarks This herbicide is a selective postemergence herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds and sedges in established turf area including, but not limited to, residential and institutional lawns, athletic fields, commercial sod farms, golf course fairways and golf course roughs. Good coverage is needed for optimum control of sedges.
Caution Use of surfactants is not recommended, the result may include temporary discoloration of some turf types. High temperatures and high relative humidity may increase the risk of temporary discoloration. Do not apply Dismiss Turf Herbicide on turfgrass that is weakened by weather, mechanical, chemical disease or other related stress. Temporary turfgrass discoloration has been observed when Primo has been either tankmixed or applied within 7 days of a Dismiss Turf Herbicide application. Do not apply to sod within 3 months of harvest or 3 months of establishment.
Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor
Chemical family Triazinone
*Dismiss CA Turf Herbicide is Registered in California. See label for directions for use.
sulfosulfuron (Certainty Turf Herbicide)
Rate 1.25 oz/A. To control tall fescue, use another application of the same rate, 3 to 4 weeks after the first application. Do not exceed a total of 2.66 oz/A product per year.
Time Apply postemergence when target weeds are actively growing and not disturbed by mowing for at least 2 days after application. Warm, moist conditions following application will accelerate herbicidal activity. Cold, dry conditions will delay herbicidal activity. Weeds stressed by drought are less susceptible to this product.
Remarks This is a postemergence, systemic herbicide with limited soil residual activity. It provides postemergence control of many annual and perennial sedges, grass and broadleaf weeds on highly managed turf, sod farms and native grass sites. This product is for use on the warm season turfgrasses listed here: bermudagrass (hybrid or common), bahiagrass, buffalograss, centipedegrass, kikuyugrass, St. Augustinegrass, seashore paspalum and zoysiagrass.
Use of this product may affect the growth pattern or delay green-up of the desirable turf. This product is absorbed by the roots and foliage of the plants, and rapidly inhibits the growth of susceptible weeds. Susceptible weed growth stops within 24 hours of treatment even though visual symptoms are slow to develop. Susceptible weeds usually show yellowing or browning within 2 to 3 weeks. For St. Augustinegrass and seashore paspalum, test this product on a small area prior to wide-scale use to determine if this product is suitable for your management and cultural practices.
Caution It is no longer recommended for use on cool season turfgrasses. Do not apply directly to or within 4 ft of golf course putting greens. Avoid contacting roots or foliage of susceptible non target vegetation, as injury may occur. Susceptible plants may be injured if seeded or transplanted into treated areas unless otherwise directed on the label. Product may result in temporary chlorosis and discoloration and may affect the growth pattern of desirable turf.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family sulfonylurea
topramezone (Pylex Herbicide)
Rate Broadcast applications for perennial broadleaf weeds: Option A) 3 applications at 1.0 to 1.33 fl oz/A or 0.023 to 0.030 fl oz/1,000 sq ft applied on a 3 to 4 week interval. Option B) 2 applications at 1.5 fl oz/A or 0.034 fl oz/1,000 sq ft applied on a 3- to 4-week interval. Broadcast applications for grassy weeds: 1.0 to 1.5 fl oz/A or 0.023 to 0.034 fl oz/1,000 sq ft. Do not apply more than 2 fl oz/A per application or 4 fl oz/A per year.
Time A single application should be made when weeds are actively growing; it should be applied with a crop oil concentrate (COC) at 0.5% v/v. Weeds should not be under stress from lack of water, excessive water, low fertility, mowing shock, excessive hot or cold temperatures, or injury from other herbicide applications. Pylex can be used for weed control during turfgrass establishment when establishing from seed. Once grass has been seeded, no applications should be made for 28 days after seeding.
Remarks Pylex can be used for control of broadleaf weeds in Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, and perennial ryegrass. It has shown variable tolerance on bentgrass (moderate to severe injury) and annual bluegrass (minimal to moderate injury) at labeled use rates (see grassy weed control for grasses controlled).
Caution Maintain a 5-ft buffer between treated areas and bentgrass greens. Do not make applications to drought-stressed turfgrass and/or drought-stressed weeds. Do not apply to exposed feeder roots of trees or ornamentals, or within the dripline of trees and other ornamental species. Do not use grass clippings as mulch around flowers, ornamentals, trees, or in vegetable gardens. Do not apply an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide within 7 days of applying Pylex, because turfgrass injury may result. To reduce movement into sensitive species, such as bentgrass, avoid foot and vehicle traffic until spray has dried.
Site of action Group 27: HPPD inhibitor
Chemical family Phenyl pyrazole ketone
triclopyr (Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide, Turflon Ester Ultra, Alligare Boulder 6.3)
Rate Broadcast applications: 0.33 to 0.75 fl oz/1,000 sq ft; Spot treatment: 0.375 to 0.75 fl oz/1,000 sq ft. No more than 1.5 fl oz/1,000 sq ft per application when spot treating.
Time Apply to actively growing weeds listed on label.
Remarks A foliar- and root-absorbed translocated herbicide available by itself in ester formulation, and in mixtures with 2,4-D or clopyralid. Effective against violets, ground ivy, and oxalis in Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue. Triclopyr generally is less effective by itself than in mixtures. It can be tank-mixed with commonly used three-way herbicide mixtures to increase the weed control spectrum.
Caution To minimize turf injury, do not treat if turf is under heat or drought stress. Repeat applications at least 4 weeks apart. Mixtures with triclopyr in ester form have injured fine fescue turf after early spring applications in western Oregon. Do not apply to exposed roots of shallow-rooted trees and shrubs. Injury to deodar cedar is associated with mixtures containing triclopyr in ester form when applied around bud break. Triclopyr may injure bentgrass (turf) and roughstalk bluegrass. Keep out of lakes, streams, and ponds. Toxic to fish.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Pyridine