dimethenamid-P (Outlook)
Rate 0.56 to 0.984 lb ai/A (12 to 21 fl oz/A Outlook 6EC)
Time Apply after sugar beets have two true (fully expanded) leaves or injury may occur. Outlook may also be applied after sugar beets have reached the nine-leaf stage but before the 12-leaf stage for extended control.
Remarks Application rate depends on soil type and organic-matter content. Apply from the two-true-leaf to the 12-leaf growth stage. Outlook will not control emerged weeds. Tank mix postemergence herbicides with Outlook if weeds are present. Outlook may be applied by chemigation, aerially, or at lay-by. The maximum Outlook use rates in a single application are as follows: 12 to 18 fl oz/A on coarse soils, and 14 to 21 fl oz/A on medium or fine texture soils. If applied in a single application, do not exceed 21 fl oz/A. If Outlook is applied in two split applications, maintain a minimum of 14 days between applications and do not exceed a seasonal total of 24 fl oz/A. Application at 2-leaf stage or later may result in temporary leaf injury. Crop injury is possible when tank mixing with herbicides (see label) as well as any adjuvants such as methylated seed oils. REI 12 hr.
Caution Avoid treating light, sandy soils when conditions favor wind erosion. Do not harvest within 60 days of application if Outlook is applied from two-leaf to eight-leaf growth stages. Do not harvest within 95 days of application if Outlook is applied from nine-leaf to 12-leaf growth stages. Two applications per growing season are permitted, but do not exceed 21 fl oz/A per growing season.
Site of action Group 15: very long-chain fatty acid inhibitor
Chemical family Chloroacetamide
EPTC (Eptam)
Rate 2 to 3 lb ai/A (2.25 to 3.5 pints/A Eptam 7EC)
Time Apply after first true leaves have formed following cultivation.
Remarks Must be incorporated or metered into sprinkler irrigation lines, or injected on each side of beet row as label directs. If metering into irrigation water, use 2.25 to 3.5 pints/A. If incorporating after application, apply 3.5 pints/A and incorporate 2 to 3 inches deep. If injecting beside the row, use two shanks per row spaced 5.5 inches apart centered on the row and apply at 1.75 pints/A. If using Eptam 20G, apply 15 lb/A. Eptam 7E may be tank mixed with Outlook or trifluralin. Do not exceed 7 total pints per acre per crop. REI 12 hr.
Caution Do not apply before first true sugar beet leaves have formed, or within 49 days of harvest.
Site of action Group 8: lipid synthesis inhibitor but not ACCase inhibition
Chemical family Thiocarbamate
acetochlor (Warrant)
Rate 0.94 to 1.5 lb ai (1.25 to 2 quarts/A)
Time Apply postemergence from the 2-leaf up to the 8-leaf stage, with the 4-leaf stage being the ideal timing.
Remarks Apply broadcast over the top of the crop or directed to the soil surface. Warrant does not control weeds that have already emerged. To expand weed control spectrum or for control of emerged weeds at the time of application, Warrant may be applied in a tank mixture with Select, Stinger, UpBeet, or glyphosate (Roundup Ready Sugarbeets only). Application of Warrant in a tank mixture with Nortron SC, Select, Stinger or UpBeet may result in severe crop injury; refer the individual product labels for crop injury precautions. REI 12 hr.
Caution Do not exceed 2 quarts (1.5 lb ai) per acre as a single application. Allow at least 7 days between sequential applications. Do not exceed a total of 4 quarts (3 lb acetochlor) per acre per season when making multiple applications. Do not exceed a total of 3 applications per season in sugar beets. Allow a minimum of 70 days between last application and harvest of sugar beets, and grazing or feeding of sugar beet tops to livestock.
Site of action Group 15: very long-chain fatty acid inhibitor
Chemical family Chloroacetamide
glyphosate (Roundup and other trade names)
Use only on Roundup Ready sugar beets
Rate 0.75 to 1.125 lb ae/A (22 to 32 fl oz/A Roundup PowerMax 4.5SL)
Time Apply preemergence through canopy closure.
Remarks Use only on Roundup Ready sugar beets and be sure to use the correct amount of herbicide as there are numerous formulations. In Roundup Ready sugar beets, up to 5.96 lb ae/A (170 fl oz/A Roundup PowerMax) may be applied in one year; up to 3.71 lb ae/A (106 fl oz/A Roundup PowerMax may be applied preplant, at planting, and preemergence; up to 1.97 lb ae/A (56 fl oz/A Roundup PowerMax) may be applied from emergence to eight-leaf stage; and up to 1.54 lb ae/A (44 fl oz/A Roundup PowerMax) may be applied between eight-leaf stage and canopy closure. The maximum rate for any single application from crop emergence until the eight-leaf stage is 1.125 lb ae/A (32 fl oz/A Roundup PowerMax). It is strongly recommended not to use less than 0.75 lb ae/A for weed control to reduce the potential for development of glyphosate-resistant weeds. The maximum rate for any single application between the 8-leaf stage and canopy closure is 0.77 lb ae/A. Controls only emerged weeds and has no residual weed control. Use up to 2 lb ae/A glyphosate to control perennial weeds. The addition of 1 to 2 percent ammonium sulfate (AMS) by weight, or 8.5 to 17 lb/100 gal spray solution may increase the performance of glyphosate, particularly with hard water or spraying during drought conditions. If using AMS for hard water conditions, mix water and AMS before adding glyphosate. See individual glyphosate labels for amount of surfactant and water applied per acre. Up to four sequential applications of this product may be made with at least 10 days between applications. Restricted entry interval is 4 or 12 hr depending on the glyphosate product used.
Caution Do not use glyphosate for spot treatment in emerged sugar beet crops unless they are Roundup Ready. Do not plant crops other than those listed on label for 30 days after applying. Do not harvest within 30 days after application.
Site of action Group 9: EPSP synthase inhibitor
Chemical family Glycine
glyphosate + S-metolachlor (Sequence)
Rate 1.64 to 2.63 lb ai/A (2.5 to 4 pints/A Sequence 5.25EW)
Time Apply postemergence from 2 true-leaf stage to canopy closure.
Remarks From the sugar beet 2-leaf to 8-leaf growth stage, do not exceed 2.5 pints/A on coarse soils and 3 pints/A on medium and fine soils for any single application. Sequence contains 0.28 lb ae glyphosate per pint of product. The addition of 1 to 2 % ammonium sulfate (AMS) by weight, or 8.5 to 17 lb/100 gal spray solution may increase the performance of glyphosate, particularly with hard water or spraying during drought conditions. If rainfall or irrigation is not received within 7 days after application, residual weed control may be reduced. Up to four sequential applications of this product may be made with at least 10 days between applications. Heavy rainfall or irrigation shortly after application may require re-treatment. REI 24 hr.
Caution Applications to sugar beet varieties that are not glyphosate resistant will result is severe crop injury and reduced yields. Do not harvest within 60 days of the last application. Do not exceed 2.5 pints/A on all soil types for any single application. Do not make more than 4 postemergence applications of Sequence, which must be 10 days apart. Do not exceed 7 pints/A per season applied postemergence. Do not apply through any irrigation system.
S-metolachlor (Dual Magnum and other trade names)
Rate 0.95 to 1.59 lb ai/A (1 to 1.67 pints/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC or 0.95 to 1.59 pints/A Moccasin 960 8EC)
Time Apply postemergence after first-true-leaf stage.
Remarks Apply at 0.95 to 1.26 lb ai/A on coarse soils with less than 3% organic matter, 1.26 to 1.59 lb ai/A on medium soils, 1.26 to 1.59 lb ai/A on fine soils with less than 3% organic matter, or 1.59 to 1.9 lb ai/A on fine soil with greater than 3% organic matter. More than one postemergence application may be applied, but the total should not exceed 2.47 lb ai/A. Weeds present at the time of application will not be controlled. The addition of spray adjuvants such as crop oil concentrates or methylated seed oil can increase the risk of crop injury. REI 24 hr.
Caution If a crop treated with S-metolachlor is lost, any crop on the product label or on a supplemental S-metolachlor label, may be replanted immediately provided that the rate applied to the previous crops was not greater than the labeled rate for the crop to be replanted. Sugar beets may not be replanted because they can be injured while emerging. Do not harvest within 60 days after application.
Site of action Group 15: lipid synthesis inhibitor but not an ACCase inhibitor
Chemical family Chloroacetamide
pronamide (Kerb SC)
Seed in Oregon only
Rate 1 lb ai/A (2.5 pints lb/A SC, 2 lb/A 50WP)
Time Apply postemergence to weeds and beets in November or December, after beets have at least three to five true leaves.
Remarks Special local needs label OR-110015 (SC) and OR-020029 (50W). Controls most annual grasses, volunteer grains, and chickweed. Does not control most broadleaves. REI 24 hr.
Caution A restricted-use herbicide. Avoid spraying areas that may drain onto fields planted to grass or cereal crops. Do not graze or feed crop residues.
Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor
Chemical family Benzamide
trifluralin (Treflan and other trade names)
Rate 0.5 to 0.75 lb ai/A (1 to 1.5 pints/A with any 4-lb ai/gal formulation)
Time Apply at layby when soil has been pushed around beets after thinning (i.e., when beets are 2 to 6 inches tall or in four- to six-leaf stage).
Remarks Cover exposed beet roots with soil before applying to reduce possibility of girdling. Susceptible to photodegradation if not immediately incorporated. Incorporate with power tiller, rolling cultivator, or flextine harrow. After using trifluralin, plow deeply before planting any sensitive crop. REI 12 hr.
Caution Do not plant oats. See label for crop rotation restrictions.
Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor
Chemical family Dinitroaniline
triflusulfuron-methyl (UpBeet)
Including beets grown for seed
Rate 0.25 to 0.5 oz ai/A (0.5 to 1 oz/A UpBeet 50DF)
Time Apply to actively growing weeds any time after sugar beet planting. Use higher rates as weed size or population increases.
Remarks Tank mix with other broadleaf herbicides such as Betamix Sugarbeet Mix or Stinger. Use at least two sequential applications 5 to 10 days apart or as weeds germinate. For best results, weeds should be small (cotyledon to four true leaves), actively growing, and not under stress. If UpBeet is applied alone or combined with Stinger, include a nonionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate. Since UpBeet has no soil activity, only emerged weeds will be controlled. Rain within 6 hours may reduce weed control. For best results, tank mix with glyphosate, Betamix, or Sugarbeet Mix for two sequential applications. REI is 4 hr.
Caution Temporary chlorosis may occur under stressful growing conditions. Pre-harvest interval is 60 days. Do not exceed 2.5 oz/A in one season.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Sulfonylurea