bromoxynil (Broclean, Maestro, and other trade names)
Rate 0.25 lb ai/A (1 pt/A Broclean)
Time Apply when flax is 2 to 8 inches tall. Do not apply during or after bud stage, or within 75 days of harvest.
Remarks Do not apply with crop oil concentrate, surfactants, or nitrogen solutions.
Caution Temperatures over 85°F within 3 days of application may cause injury. Other situations may also injure flax. To avoid injuring flax, see the "Restrictions and Precautions" section of the label.
Site of action Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor
Chemical family nitrile
bromoxynil + MCPA (Bromac and other trade names)
Rate 0.22 lb ai/A bromoxynil + 0.22 lb ae/A MCPA (0.9 pint/A Bromac)
Time Apply when flax is 2 to 8 inches tall. Do not apply during or after bud stage.
Remarks Do not apply with crop oil concentrate, surfactants, or nitrogen solutions.
Caution Temperatures over 85°F within 3 days of application may cause injury. Other situations may also injure flax. To avoid injuring flax, see the "Restrictions and Precautions" section of the label.
Site of action (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor; (MCPA) Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family (bromoxynil) nitrile; (MCPA) phenoxy acetic acid
clopyralid + MCPA (Commando M, Curtail)
Rate 0.026 to 0.042 lb ae/A clopyralid + 0.146 to 0.235 to lb ae/A MCPA (0.5 to 0.8 pint/A Commando M)
Time Apply when flax is 2 to 6 inches tall and weeds are actively growing.
Remarks Apply before target weeds reach 3 inches. For control of Canada thistle, apply after the majority of leaves have emerged, but before flax begins bolting.
Caution Make only one application. Do not apply more than 0.25 lb ae/A of MCPA per year. Preharvest interval is 72 days.
Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family (clopyralid) pyridine; (MCPA) phenoxy acetic acid
MCPA (several trade names)
Rate 0.115 to 0.23 lb ae/A (0.25 to 0.5 pint/A Rhomene dimethylamine salt)
Time Apply when flax is 2 to 8 inches tall, before early bud stage.
Remarks For Canada thistle control, it may be necessary to apply the high rate, but injury may occur.
Caution Rates and other instructions vary by product label.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family phenoxy acetic acid