Preharvest Desiccant

diquat (Reglone and other trade names)

Rate 0.375 to 0.5 lb ai/A (1.5 to 2.0 pints/A Reglone)

Time Apply at physiological maturity (more than 50% brown seed in pods).

Remarks Crop should be harvested within 10 days of application. Use a minimum of 5 gal spray volume for aerial application and 15 gal spray volume for ground application. REI is 4 hr.

Caution Read the label for specifics on surfactants and crop condition.

Site of action Group 22: photosystem I electron diversion

Chemical family Bipyridilium

saflufenacil (Sharpen)

Rate 0.0022 to 0.0045 lb ai/A (1 to 2 oz/A Sharpen)

Time Apply at physiological maturity (more than 50% brown seed in pods). Preharvest interval (PHI) is 3 days.

Remarks Uniformly apply as a broadcast spray by air or ground. Ground application is recommended at a minimum spray volume of 10 gal/A. Aerial applications recommended at a minimum spray volume of 5 gal/A. REI is 12 hr.

Caution Read the label for specifics on surfactants and crop condition. Do not apply on canola grown for seed production.

Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor

Chemical family Pyrimidinedione