clethodim (Select Max, Select Max, Clethodim 2E, Tide USA Clethodim 2EC, Willowood Clethodim 2EC, Shadow, Shadow 3EC, Cleanse)
Burndown of volunteer RR corn before re-planting corn
Rate 0.047 lb ai/A or 0.0455 lb ai/A (3 fl oz/A for Clethodim 2E or 6 fl oz/A for Select Max)
Time Up to 6 days before planting corn.
Remarks Apply with or without glyphosate. Apply to weeds up to 12 inches.
Caution Will not kill sethoxydim resistant corn. Preharvest interval is 90 days. Avoid boom overlaps. Do not use COC or MSO adjuvants.
Site of action Group 1: acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor
Chemical family Cyclohexanedione