Broadleaf Weeds

Preplant surface

flumioxazin (Valor EZ and other trade names)

Rate 0.052 lb ai/A (2 oz/A Valor EZ)

Time Apply at least 14 days before planting.

Remarks Use only on no-till or minimum tillage fields where the previous year's crop residue has not been incorporated into the soil.

Caution Do not apply more than 1 application of Valor EZ per year.

Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor

Chemical family N-phenylphthalimide

Preplant surface, preplant incorporated, or preemergence

saflufenacil (Sharpen)

Rate 0.022 to 0.045 lb ai/A (1.0 to 2.0 oz/A Sharpen)

Time Apply for burndown and/or residual control of weeds early preplant through preemergence. Sequential applications may be applied as needed before wheat emergence. Do not apply more than a maximum cumulative amount of 4.0 oz/A Sharpen per cropping season.

Remarks An adjuvant system is required for optimum broadleaf burndown activity.

Caution Do not apply after wheat emergence, because crop injury will occur.

Site of action Group 14 Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitor

Chemical family Pyrimidinedione

Preplant surface or preemergence

halauxifen + florasulam (Quelex)

Rate 0.0034 to 0.0047 oz ae/A halauxifen + 0.0035 to 0.0047 oz ai/A florasulam (0.55 to 0.75 oz/A Quelex)

Time Apply as a burndown treatment to control emerged weeds prior to crop emergence.

Remarks Apply with a nonionic surfactant (0.2 to 0.5% v/v). If applied after seeding, do not apply if soil has begun cracking over the drill row due to emerging crop seedlings.

Caution Do not apply more than 0.75 oz/A Quelex per season.

Site of action (halauxifen) Group 4: synthetic auxin; (florasulam) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family (halauxifen) Arylpicolinate; (florasulam) Triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide

Fall-applied foliage and soil active

linuron (Linex 4L)

Rate 0.5 to 0.75 lb ai/A (1 to 1.5 pint/A Linex 4L)

Time Apply as a broadcast spray prior to emergence of wheat or to semi-dormant wheat plants after rain settles soil, to wheat seeded at least 1 inch deep.

Remarks Application to actively growing wheat may cause temporary yellowing (chlorosis) of wheat. Do not apply after wheat has reached the boot stage of maturity nor when maximum daily temperature exceeds 60°F. Do not apply to sand or loamy sand or soils with less than 1% organic matter. Any crop may be planted 4 months after application. Do not graze or feed immature plants to livestock. Do not use in combination with other pesticides (except as noted on label), surfactants, or nitrogen solution after wheat has emerged.

Caution Do not retreat field with a second application during the same crop year as injury to the crop may result. Recommended rates depend on the average annual rainfall.

Site of action Group 7: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Substituted urea

Fall- or spring-applied foliage and soil active

chlorsulfuron (Glean XP and other trade names)

Rate 0.127 to 0.2475 oz ai/A postemergence (0.17 to 0.33 oz/A Glean XP). Do not exceed 0.33 oz/A Glean XP per use season.

Time Apply in fall or spring, any time after most weeds emerge. Avoid making preemergence applications or early postemergence application (2-4 leaf stage) before boot or early heading stage as crop injury may result. See label for postemergence application timing when using tank-mixes or sequential treatments.

Remarks Chlorsulfuron controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and inhibits Canada thistle. It will not control nightshades. For best results in postemergence applications, weeds should be actively growing, and a surfactant of at least 80% ai should be added at 1 to 2 quarts/100 gal. For specific weed problems, various tank-mixes are possible; see manufacturer's label for recommendations. There are no grazing restrictions for chlorsulfuron.

Caution Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. Do not use on soils above pH 7.9, as extended soil residual activity could extend crop rotation interval beyond normal. Carefully follow label instructions on crop rotations. Many crops may not be planted within 24 months or longer after applying. See label for cautions on tank-mix or sequential applications with organophosphate insecticides as well as applications just before or during adverse conditions such as cold or dry weather conditions.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron (Finesse Cereal and Fallow and other trade names)

Rate 0.15 to 0.375 oz ai/A preplant or preemergence (0.2 to 0.5 oz/A Finesse Cereal and Fallow) or 0.15 to 0.3 oz ai/A postemergence (0.2 to 0.4 oz/A Finesse Cereal and Fallow)

Time Apply prior to planting or after planting, but before emergence. May also be applied postemergence after the crop has reached the 4-leaf stage, but before crop reaches boot stage. See label for postemergence application timing when using tank-mixes.

Remarks Finesse Cereal and Fallow controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and inhibits Canada thistle. For best results with postemergence applications, weeds should be actively growing and herbicide should be applied with a surfactant of at least 80% ai at 1 to 2 quarts/100 gal. For specific weed problems, various tank-mixes are possible; see label for recommendations. There are no grazing restrictions for Finesse Cereal and Fallow.

Caution Do not use on soils above pH 7.9 (Finesse Cereal and Fallow can persist in soil) or below pH 5.0 (crop injury). Carefully follow label instructions regarding crop rotations. Many crops may not be planted within 24 months or longer after application. See label for cautions on tank-mix or sequential applications with organophosphate insecticides and applications just before or during adverse conditions such as cold or freezing weather.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

diuron (Karmex DF and other trade names)

Rate 0.8 to 1.2 lb ai/A (1 to 1.5 lb/A Karmex)

Time Apply after wheat is established, as evidenced by a developing secondary root system.

Remarks Apply before November 15 or after February 1 when crop is actively growing. Do not apply after wheat begins jointing. Do not apply to sand or loamy sand soils, nor on gravelly or sandy loams with less than 1% organic matter. Do not apply to wheat planted less than 1 inch deep. Apply before weeds are 3 to 4 inches tall. Do not plant to any other crop within 12 months after application. Do not graze or feed treated forage.

Site of action Group 7: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Substituted urea

fluroxypyr + thifensulfuron + metsulfuron (Travallas)

Rate 1.12 to 1.92 oz ae/A fluroxypyr + 0.22 to 0.38 oz ai/A thifensulfuron + 0.022 to 0.038 oz ai/A metsulfuron [7 to 12 oz/A (10 to 12 oz/A in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington only) Travallas]

Time Apply to actively growing wheat after the crop is in the 2-leaf stage, but before the flag leaf is visible. Weeds must be past the cotyledon stage and actively growing.

Remarks For best results, apply to young, actively growing weeds that are less than 4 inches in height or diameter. Thorough coverage of target weeds is essential.

Caution Do not make more than one application per season. Should not be used on soils having pH above 7.9 because of extended soil residual activity. See label for crop rotation intervals. Do not harvest for hay within 30 days of application or for grain within 45 days of application.

Site of action (fluroxypyr) Group 4: synthetic auxin; (thifensulfuron and metsulfuron) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family (fluroxypyr) Pyridine; (thifensulfuron and metsulfuron) Sulfonylurea

metribuzin (TriCor DF and other trade names)

Rate 0.094 to 0.38 lb ai/A (2 to 8 oz/A of the 75% DF)

Time Apply when the wheat is tillering and has developed one-inch secondary roots.

Remarks Plant the seed at least 1 inch deep. Do not apply after the wheat begins to joint. Do not rotate any crop not listed on the product label for 18 month after application. See label regarding rate and soil type. Do not graze for 14 days after application.

Site of action Group 5: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Triazinone

metribuzin-low rate (TriCor DF and other trade names)

Rate 0.094 to 0.14 lb ai/A (2 to 3 oz/A of the 75% DF) in tank-mix with labeled broadleaf herbicide

Time Apply to wheat after the two- to three- leaf stage but not during winter dormancy.

Remarks See metribuzin label for acceptable tank-mix partners. Plant seed at least 1.5 inches deep. Apply before November 15 or after February 1. Heavy rains immediately after application may injure crop. Do not graze for 14 days after applying. If applying metribuzin sequentially, allow at least 45 days between applications except for spring split applications, which can be as close as 10 days apart.

Site of action Group 5: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Triazinone

metsulfuron (Ally XP and other trade names)

Rate 0.06 oz ai/A (0.1 oz/A Ally XP)

Time Apply postemergence after wheat has two leaves but before boot stage once per use season. See label instructions for postemergence application timing when using tank-mixes.

Remarks Metsulfuron controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and inhibits Canada thistle. For best results, add a surfactant of at least 80% ai at 1 to 2 quarts/100 gal. Apply when weeds are less than 4 inches tall or in diameter and are actively growing. To broaden the spectrum of control, tank mix with a suitable registered herbicide such as 2,4-D.

Caution Do not use on soils above pH 7.9. Metsulfuron can persist in soil. Carefully follow label instructions on crop rotations. Many crops may not be planted within 2 years or longer after applying. See label for cautions on tank-mix or sequential applications with organophosphate insecticides and applications just before or during conditions such as cold or freezing weather.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

prosulfuron (Peak)

Rate 0.22 to 0.29 oz ai/A (0.38 to 0.5 oz/A Peak)

Time Apply postemergence from the three-leaf to second-joint stage of growth.

Remarks Results are best when weeds are young and actively growing. Apply with nonionic surfactant of at least 80% ai at 1 to 2 quarts/100 gal, or a crop oil concentrate of at least 12% emulsifier at 1 to 4 pints/A.

Caution Carefully follow label instructions on crop rotations. Do not let spray drift onto non-target crops. See label for cautions on tank-mix or sequential applications with organophosphate insecticides and applications just before or during adverse conditions such as cold weather. Do not harvest grain until 60 days after application. Do not graze or feed forage until 30 days after application.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

thifensulfuron + tribenuron + metsulfuron (Ally Extra SG and other trade names)

Rate 0.21 to 0.35 oz ai/A (0.3 to 0.5 oz/A Ally Extra) + 0.25% nonionic surfactant

Time After crop is in two-leaf stage but before flag leaf is visible.

Remarks Results are best on young, actively growing weeds. Six hours of dry weather are needed to allow the product to be sufficiently absorbed. Always include a spray adjuvant with application of this product.

Caution Metsulfuron can persist in soil. Carefully follow label instructions on crop rotations. See label for cautions on tank-mix or sequential applications with organophosphate insecticides, and applications just before or during conditions such as cold or freezing weather. Do not harvest sooner than 45 days after the last application.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

triasulfuron (Amber)

Rate 0.21 to 0.35 oz ai/A (0.28 to 0.47 oz/A Amber) preemergence or postemergence

Time Apply in fall or spring when crop is between the two-leaf and pre-boot stage. See label for preemergence applications.

Remarks Triasulfuron controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and inhibits Canada thistle. For best results with postemergence applications, weeds should be actively growing and a surfactant of at least 80% ai should be added at 1 to 2 quarts/100 gal. No grazing restrictions for triasulfuron. Do not apply Amber to wheat that is stressed or when extremes in temperature or rainfall are expected within one week of application.

Caution Triasulfuron can persist in soil. Carefully follow label instructions on crop rotations. Several crops may not be seeded for 24 months or longer after triasulfuron application. See label for cautions on tank-mix or sequential applications with organophosphate insecticides and applications just before rain. Do not apply to snow-covered or frozen soil.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

Fall- or spring-applied foliage active

bicyclopyrone + bromoxynil (Talinor)

Rate 0.033 to 0.044 lb ai/A bicyclopyrone + 0.156 to 0.207 lb ae/A bromoxynil (13.7 to 18.2 oz/A Talinor)

Time Apply to wheat from 2-leaf to pre-boot stage.

Remarks Co-packed with CoAct+ additive, which must be added at the rate specified on the label. Compatible with many commonly used tank-mix partners. Add a crop oil concentrate (COC) at 1% v/v of the finished spray volume. Although COC is the preferred adjuvant, NIS may be substituted at 0.25% v/v. When tank mixed with herbicides that have a built-in adjuvant, no additional adjuvant is needed.

Caution Rain occurring within 1 hour after application may reduce the efficacy of Talinor. Do not graze livestock or harvest forage for hay from treated wheat for a minimum of 30 days following application. Do not harvest grain for a minimum of 60 days following application. Do not feed treated wheat to livestock for a minimum of 60 days following application. Follow label instructions on crop rotations.

Site of action (bicyclopyrone) Group 27: 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvatedioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitor; (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family (bicyclopyrone) Triketone; (bromoxynil) Nitrile

bromoxynil (Maestro 2EC and other trade names)

Rate 0.25 to 0.5 lb ai/A bromoxynil (16 to 32 oz/A Maestro 2EC)

Time Apply after weeds germinate, but before they reach 1 inch.

Remarks Do not apply to weeds covered with heavy frost or ice. Do not graze for 45 days after application.

Site of action Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Nitrile

carfentrazone (Aim EC)

Rate 0.0078 to 0.0156 lb ai/A (0.5 to 1.0 oz/A Aim EC)

Time Apply to winter wheat from prior to planting to the jointing stage. For best performance, apply to actively growing weeds up to 4 inches high and to rosettes less than 3 inches across.

Remarks Apply alone or in a tank-mix with other herbicides to actively growing weeds. Use higher rates on more mature weeds or dense vegetative growth. Use a nonionic surfactant with at least 80% ai at 0.25% v/v (2 pints/100 gal spray solution). The use of a high-quality sprayable liquid nitrogen fertilizer (2 to 4% v/v or 2 to 4 gal/100 gal spray solution) in addition to the nonionic surfactant is allowed

Caution Crop injury may increase with tank-mixtures of carfentrazone with other EC- or ester-formulated pesticides. Do not use Aim EC with crop oil concentrate, methylated seed oil, or silicone-based adjuvants for postemergence applications. Do not harvest for forage within 7 days of application.

Site of action Group 14: protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor

Chemical family Triazolinone

fluroxypyr (Starane Ultra and other trade names)

Rate 0.105 to 0.245 lb ae/A (0.3 to 0.7 pint/A Starane Ultra)

Time Apply to actively growing wheat from the two-leaf up to and including flag-leaf emergence.

Remarks Apply to actively growing weeds under eight inches tall. Controls only weeds emerged at time of treatment.

Caution Do not exceed 40 gal/A total spray volume. Do not apply more than 0.7 pint/A per season. Preharvest interval is 40 days.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family Pyridine

fluroxypyr + halauxifen (Pixxaro EC)

Rate 0.109 oz ae/A fluroxypyr + 0.0047 oz ae/A halauxifen (6.0 fl oz/A Pixxaro EC)

Time Apply to wheat (including durum) from the 2-leaf stage to flag leaf emergence.

Remarks For best results, apply to seedling weeds. Only weeds emerged at time of treatment will be controlled.

Caution Temporary crop injury may result when liquid fertilizer is used as the spray carrier. Do not use more than 50% liquid fertilizer in the spray solution. Do not apply more than 30 lb of actual nitrogen per acre with the spray solution.

Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (fluroxypyr) Pyridine; (halauxifen) Arylpicolinate

fluroxypyr + thifensulfuron (Sentrallas)

Rate 1.12 to 2.24 oz ae/A fluroxypyr + 0.22 to 0.44 oz ai/A thifensulfuron (7 to 14 oz/A Sentrallas)

Time Apply to actively growing wheat after the crop is in the 2-leaf stage, but before the flag leaf is visible. Weeds must be past the cotyledon stage and actively growing.

Remarks For best results, apply to young, actively growing weeds that are less than 4 inches in height or diameter. Thorough coverage of target weeds is essential.

Caution Do not exceed 14 oz/A in a single application or 17.8 oz/A for the entire season. Do not tank mix with malathion because crop injury may result. Do not harvest for hay within 30 days of application or for grain within 45 days of application.

Site of action (fluroxypyr) Group 4: synthetic auxin; (thifensulfuron) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family (fluroxypyr) Pyridine; (thifensulfuron) Sulfonylurea

fluroxypyr + thifensulfuron + tribenuron (Supremacy)

Rate 1.0 to 1.88 oz ae/A fluroxypyr + 0.18 to 0.34 oz ai/A thifensulfuron + 0.06 to 0.11 oz ai/A tribenuron (4 to 7.5 oz/A Supremacy)

Time Apply to actively growing wheat after the crop is in the 2-leaf stage, but before the flag leaf is visible.

Remarks For best results, apply to young, actively growing weeds that are less than 4 inches in height or diameter. Always use a surfactant, unless tank mixing with at least 8 oz/A of an EC herbicide formulation. See label for specific adjuvant rates.

Caution Do not use more than 12.5 oz/A per growing season.

Site of action (fluroxypyr) Group 4: synthetic auxin; (thifensulfuron and tribenuron) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family (fluroxypyr) Pyridine; (thifensulfuron and tribenuron) Sulfonylurea

halauxifen + florasulam (Quelex)

Rate 0.0047 oz ae/A halauxifen + 0.0047 oz ai/A florasulam (0.75 oz/A Quelex)

Time Apply to actively growing wheat from the 2-leaf stage to flag leaf emergence.

Remarks For best results, apply to actively growing weeds in the 2- to 4-leaf stage or less than 4 inches tall. Apply in a spray volume of 10 gallons per acre or more. Use a nonionic surfactant (0.2 to 0.5% v/v) or crop oil concentrate or methylated seed oil (0.5 to 1.0% v/v) unless applied with an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) such as 2,4-D ester.

Caution Do not apply more than 0.75 oz/A Quelex per season. Preharvest interval is 60 days for grain, 21 days for forage, and 7 days for grazing.

Site of action (halauxifen) Group 4: synthetic auxin; (florasulam) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family (halauxifen) Arylpicolinate; (florasulam) Triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide.

pyrasulfotole + bromoxynil (Huskie)

Rate 0.027 to 0.036 lb ai/A pyrasulfotole + 0.15 to 0.21 lb ai/A bromoxynil (11 to 15 oz/A Huskie)

Time Apply to active growing wheat after the one-leaf growth stage up to flag leaf emergence.

Remarks Compatible with many commonly used tank-mix partners. Spray additives such as ammonium sulfate, urea ammonium nitrate, or nonionic surfactant may be used, especially under challenging conditions, to optimize herbicidal activity. Apply alone or in a tank-mix with other herbicides to actively growing weeds.

Caution Rain within 1 hour after application may reduce control. Do not apply more than once per season. Preharvest interval is 25 days for forage and 60 days for straw or grain. Follow label instructions on crop rotations.

Site of action (pyrasulfotole) Group 27: 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvatedioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitor; (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family (pyrasulfotole) Pyrazole; (bromoxynil) Nitrile

thifensulfuron (Harmony SG with TotalSol and other trade names)

Rate 0.23 to 0.45 oz ai/A (0.45 to 0.9 oz/A Harmony SG) + 0.25% nonionic surfactant

Time After crop is in two-leaf stage but before flag leaf is visible.

Remarks Results are best when weeds are young and actively growing. This product should not be applied to crops that are stressed by severe weather conditions (cold temperatures, drought including low levels of subsoil moisture, water saturated soil, disease, or insect damage) as crop injury may result. Sequential treatments may be made if the Harmony SG total does not exceed 1.5 oz/A.

Caution Do not let spray drift to adjacent crops or land. Do not apply during an air temperature inversion. Immediately after spraying, thoroughly clean chemical from mixing and spraying equipment. Do not plant any crop other than wheat, barley, field corn, triticale, or oats within 45 days after application.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

thifensulfuron + tribenuron (Harmony Extra SG and other trade names)

Rate 0.23 to 0.45 oz ai/A (0.45 to 0.9 oz/A Harmony Extra SG with TotalSol) + 0.25% nonionic surfactant

Time After crop is in two-leaf stage but before flag leaf is visible.

Remarks Results are best if weeds are young and actively growing, This product should not be applied to wheat that is stressed by severe weather conditions, drought, low fertility, water saturated soil, disease, or insect damage, as crop injury may result. Do not let spray drift onto adjacent crops or land. Refer to most recent grass herbicide label to determine tank-mix restrictions.

Caution Do not apply during an air temperature inversion. Immediately after spraying, thoroughly clean mixing and spray equipment. Wheat, barley, and oats may be replanted any time after application. After application, sugar beets, winter rape, and canola can be planted in 60 days, all other crops can be planted in 45 days.

Site of action (both) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family (both) Sulfonylurea

thifensulfuron + tribenuron (Affinity BroadSpec and other trade names)

Rate 0.4 to 1.0 oz/A Affinity BroadSpec, or 0.6 to 1.0 oz/A Affinity TankMix + 0.25% nonionic surfactant

Time Apply after wheat is in two-leaf stage but before flag leaf is visible.

Remarks Results are best if weeds are young and actively growing. These products should not be applied to wheat that is stressed by severe weather conditions, drought, low fertility, water saturated soil, disease, or insect damage, as crop injury may result. Refer to most recent grass herbicide label to determine tank-mix restrictions. Do not harvest wheat sooner than 45 days after the last application.

Caution Do not let this herbicide drift off target. For crop rotation intervals see the label.

Site of action (both) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family (both) Sulfonylurea

tribenuron (Express and other trade names)

Rate 0.13 to 0.25 oz ai/A (0.25 to 0.5 oz/A Express) + 0.25% nonionic surfactant

Time After crop is in two-leaf stage but before flag leaf is visible.

Remarks Results are best if weeds are young and actively growing. These products should not be applied to wheat that is stressed by severe weather conditions, drought, low fertility, water saturated soil, disease, or insect damage, as crop injury may result.

Caution Do not allow spray to drift to adjacent crops or land. Do not apply during an air temperature inversion. Immediately after spraying, thoroughly clean mixing and spraying equipment. For crop rotation intervals see the label.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor

Chemical family Sulfonylurea

Spring-applied foliage active

2,4-D (various trade names)

Rate 0.25 to 0.5 lb ae/A

Time Apply in spring after wheat crop is fully tillered, but before boot stage of growth (usually 4 to 8 inches tall) but not forming joints in the stem. Do not apply in fall.

Remarks Do not graze within two weeks after application. Do not harvest for hay or grain within 14 days after application.

Caution Do not let 2,4-D drift off target.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid

bromoxynil + 2,4-D + fluroxypyr (Kochiavore and other trade names)

Rate 0.21 to 0.31 lb ai/A bromoxynil + 0.21 to 0.31 lb ae/A 2,4-D + 0.084 to 0.126 lb ae/A fluroxypyr (1.0 to 1.5 pints/A Kochiavore)

Time Apply from the 4-leaf stage to emergence of the flag leaf.

Remarks Use the higher rates when weeds are less susceptible or for heavy weed populations.

Caution Do not apply within 40 days prior to harvesting grain or straw. The risk of crop injury at all stages of growth and poor weed control is increased if the application is made and extreme growing conditions occur prior to, at, and following application.

Site of action (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor; (2,4-D and fluroxypyr) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (bromoxynil) Nitrile; (2,4-D) Phenoxy acetic acid; (fluroxypyr) Pyridine

bromoxynil + fluroxypyr (Starane NXT)

Rate 0.25 to 0.5 lb ai/A bromoxynil + 0.06 to 0.125 lb ai/A fluroxypyr (14 to 27.4 oz/A Starane NXT)

Time Apply to wheat from three-leaf stage up to flag leaf emergence. Apply to weeds up to 4 or 8 inches tall, depending on rate.

Remarks Compatible with all grass herbicides. Any crop may be planted 120 days after application. Do not graze treated areas within within 45 days of application. Do not apply within 45 days of hay, grain or straw harvest.

Site of action (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor; (fluroxypyr) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (bromoxynil) Nitrile; (fluroxypyr) Pyridine

bromoxynil + MCPA (Maestro Advanced and other trade names)

Rate 0.25 to 0.5 lb ai/A bromoxynil + 0.25 to 0.5 lb ae/A MCPA (12.8 to 25.6 oz/A Maestro Advanced)

Time Apply in spring after wheat has at least three leaves but before it begins to boot.

Remarks Do not graze for 45 days.

Caution Do not allow MCPA to drift off target.

Site of action (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor; (MCPA) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (bromoxynil) Nitrile; (MCPA) Phenoxy acetic acid

bromoxynil + MCPA + fluroxypyr (Carnivore and other trade names)

Rate 0.21 to 0.31 lb ai/A bromoxynil + 0.21 to 0.31 lb ae/A MCPA + 0.084 to 0.126 lb ae/A fluroxypyr (1.0 to 1.5 pints/A Carnivore)

Time Apply from the 2-leaf stage up to and including flag leaf emergence.

Remarks Apply when weeds are actively growing but before weeds are 8 inches tall or vining.

Caution Do not apply within 40 days prior to harvesting grain or straw. The risk of crop injury at all stages of growth and poor weed control is increased if the application is made and extreme growing conditions occur prior to, at, and following application.

Site of action (bromoxynil) Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor; (MCPA and fluroxypyr) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (bromoxynil) Nitrile; (MCPA) Phenoxy acetic acid; (fluroxypyr) Pyridine

clopyralid + 2,4-D amine (Curtail and other trade names)

Rate 0.095 to 0.126 lb ae/A clopyralid + 0.5 to 0.67 lb ae/A 2,4-D amine (2 to 2.66 pints/A Curtail)

Time Apply in the spring to young, actively growing weeds after grain has begun tillering up to jointing stage (first node on stem detectable).

Remarks Curtail is particularly effective on members of the sunflower family such as Canada thistle and mayweed. Control of tough winter annual weeds such as corn gromwell and fiddleneck require tank mixing with other herbicides. Check the Curtail label for details on mixtures. For Canada thistle, apply after most basal leaves emerge but before bud stage.

Caution For crop rotational intervals see the label. Wait 30 days after application to plant wheat, barley, oats, grasses, or field corn. Do not plant sugar beets for 15 months after treatment. Do not rotate to beans, lentils, peas, potatoes, or broadleaf seed crops for at least 18 months after treatment, depending on annual precipitation. Carefully follow label's rotation restrictions for many other crops. Follow grazing restrictions on label.

Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (clopyralid) Pyridine; (2,4-D) Phenoxy acetic acid

clopyralid + fluroxypyr (WideMatch and other trade names)

Rate 0.094 to 0.125 lb ae/A clopyralid + 0.094 to 0.125 lb ae/A fluroxypyr (1 to 1.33 pints/A WideMatch)

Time Apply to actively growing wheat from the three-leaf crop stage up to and including flag leaf emergence. Apply when weeds are actively growing but before they are vining or 8 inches tall.

Remarks WideMatch is particularly effective on members of the sunflower family such as Canada thistle and mayweed. May be applied in tank-mixes with labeled rates of other products. Apply to weeds up to 4 to 8 inches tall, depending on rate. Tank mix with MCPA, thifensulfuron (Harmony GT), or 2,4-D. Compatible with all grass herbicides.

Caution See label and supplemental labels for crop rotation restrictions.

Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (both) Pyridine

clopyralid + fluroxypyr + halauxifen (WideARmatch)

Rate 0.0897 to 0.1256 lb ae/A clopyralid + 0.1116 to 0.1562 lb ae/A fluroxypyr + 0.0704 to 0.0976 oz ae halauxifen (14 to 19.6 oz/A WideARmatch)

Time Apply to wheat (including durum) from the 2-leaf stage to flag leaf emergence.

Remarks For best results, apply to seedling weeds. Only weeds emerged at time of treatment will be controlled.

Caution Temporary crop injury may result when liquid fertilizer is used as the spray carrier. Do not use more than 50% liquid fertilizer in the spray solution. Do not apply more than 30 lb of actual nitrogen per acre with the spray solution.

Site of action (all) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (clopyralid and fluroxypyr) Pyridine; (halauxifen) Arylpicolinate

dicamba (Clarity and other trade names)

Rate 0.062 to 0.125 lb ae/A (2 to 4 oz/A Clarity)

Time Application may be made before, during or after planting small grains.

Remarks Treated wheat may grow semi-prostrate after application, but this normally does not affect yield. There is no waiting period between treatment and grazing for non-lactating dairy animals. For lactating dairy animals, see the label.

Caution Do not let dicamba drift off target.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family Benzoic acid

dicamba (Clarity and other trade names) + 2,4-D (various trade names) or MCPA (various trade names)

Rate 0.062 to 0.125 lb ae/A dicamba (2 to 4 oz/A Clarity) + 0.25 to 0.375 lb ae/A 2,4-D or MCPA

Time Apply in spring after wheat has at least four tillers and 12 leaves but before it begins to joint. Do not apply in fall.

Remarks Treated wheat may grow semi-prostrate for a while, but normally yield is not affected. See label for grazing restrictions.

Caution Do not let these combinations drift off target.

Site of action (all) Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (2,4-D and MCPA) Phenoxy acetic acid; (dicamba) Benzoic acid

florasulam + fluroxypyr (Starane Flex)

Rate 0.004 lb ai/A florasulam + 0.088 lb ae/A fluroxypyr (13.5 oz/A Starane Flex)

Time Apply to actively growing wheat from the three-leaf to flag leaf emergence. Apply when susceptible broadleaf weeds are actively growing and less than 4 inches tall.

Remarks Only weeds emerged at treatment will be controlled. Best results are obtained from application made to seedling weeds.

Caution Plant only wheat, barley, or oats within 120 days after application. See label for other crop intervals. Do not apply more than once per season. Preharvest interval is 60 days.

Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase inhibitor + Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (florasulam) Triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide; (fluroxypyr) Pyridine

florasulam + MCPA ester (Orion)

Rate 0.0044 lb florasulam + 0.31 lb MCPA ester/A (17 oz/A Orion)

Time Apply early postemergence to actively growing weeds and wheat from the three-leaf crop growth stage up to the jointing stage. A later application when the crop is between the jointing and boot stage may be used to control later emerging weeds; however, do not apply unless the risk of injury is acceptable. Do not apply after the boot stage.

Remarks An adjuvant may be added to optimize herbicidal activity under suboptimal conditions. Do not apply more than 17 oz/A Orion per growing season. Livestock may be grazed on treated crops 7 days following application. Do not apply within 60 days of crop harvest. Only weeds emerged at the time of application will be controlled. Follow label instructions on crop rotation restrictions.

Caution If foliage is wet at the time of application, control may be decreased. Orion is rainfast within 4 hr after application.

Site of action (florasulam) Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor; (MCPA ester) Group 4 synthetic auxin

Chemical family (florasulam) Triazolopyrimidine sulfonamide; (MCPA ester) Phenoxy acetic acid

MCPA (various trade names)

Rate 0.5 to 1 lb ae/A

Time Apply in spring after wheat has at least three tillers and nine leaves up to boot stage.

Remarks Do not apply in fall.

Caution Do not let MCPA drift off target.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid