ethalfluralin (Sonalan 10G, Sonalan HFP)
Rate 0.55 to 0.95 lb ai/A (5.5 to 9.5 lb/A Sonalan 10G); 0.56 to 0.938 lb ai/A (1.5 to 2.5 pints/A Sonalan HFP)
Time Apply preplant and incorporate following label instructions.
Remarks Use either liquid or granular formulation. Proper soil preparation and incorporation of ethalfluralin are critical for best results. REI is 24 hr.
Caution Do not exceed labeled rates because crop may be injured. Do not graze crop grown in treated soil.
Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor
Chemical family Dinitroaniline
trifluralin (Treflan and other trade names)
Rate 0.5 to 1 lb ai/A (1 to 2 pints/A Treflan 4L (4EC))
Time Apply preplant and incorporate into soil.
Remarks Use either liquid or granular formulation. Proper soil preparation and incorporation of trifluralin are critical for best results. Trifluralin is weak on members of the mustard and sunflower families, and on volunteer cereals. REI is 12 hr.
Caution Incorporate within 24 hours of applying. See label for crop rotation restrictions.
Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor
Chemical family Dinitroaniline