Trade name(s) Kerb, Willowood Pronamide
Manufacturer(s) Corteva, Willowood
Formulation(s) Soluble concentrate (SC) 3.3 lb ai/gal, 50% wettable powder
Remarks A selective herbicide to control annual and perennial grasses. For postemergence activity, pronamide must move into the root zone. There is little foliar uptake. Apply when temperature is below 55°F to reduce microorganism degradation.
Storage conditions Store between 32° and 122°F under dry conditions. Do not remove package from original container except for immediate use.
Acute toxicity LD50 - 5,620 mg/kg
Action in plant Inhibits mitosis.
Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor
Chemical family Benzamide
Koc Average is 800 mL/g