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Displaying 61 - 70 of 90 results.
Grass seed-Cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus Pest description and crop damage Adults are slender, about 0.33 inch long, and have metallic, bluish-black elytra. They have a black head, orange thorax, and orange legs. They are known to fall to the ground ...
Grass seed-Crane fly European crane fly (Tipula paludosa) Common or marsh crane fly (Tipula oleracea) Pest description and crop damage Adults are large (wing span of 1 to 1.5 inches), grayish brown, and resemble large, long-legged mosquitoes. They do not ...
Image related to Grass seed-Cranefly
Grass seed-Garden symphylan Scutigerella immaculata Pest description and crop damage Adult symphylans are about 0.12 to 0.33 inch long, white, with prominent antennae 12 pairs of legs. Juveniles look similar to adults only with less legs and smaller body. ...
Image related to Grass seed-Garden symphylan
Grass seed-Glassy cutworm Crymodes devastator and an identical species east of the Cascades Protagrotis obscura (no common name) Pest description and crop damage The adults of glassy cutworm are heavy grayish moths with a wingspan of about 1.25 inches. La ...
Image related to Grass seed-Glassy cutworm
Grass seed-Grass gelechiid Chionodes psiloptera Pest description and crop damage Adults (moth) have two sets of thin wings that are dark and shiny. The underwing has a feathered edge, with upturned labial palps protruding from the mouth area, characterist ...
Grass seed-Grass mealybug Phenacoccus graminum (western OR) and other species east of the Cascade Mountains Pest description and damage Mealybugs are scale insects about the size of aphids, covered with waxy whitish, yellowish secretions. They feed with p ...
Grass seed-Grasshopper Includes Clear-winged grasshopper (Camnula pellucida) Migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) Red-legged grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum) Pest description and crop damage These species are known to infest and cause econom ...
Image related to Grass seed-Grasshopper
Grass seed-Leafhopper Many species Pest description and crop damage Small, 0.25 inch in length, pale to bright green, wedge or torpedo-shaped insects whose wings fold roof-like when resting. Similar in appearance to sharpshooters, though half the size. La ...
Grass seed-Leafminer Phytomyza nigra Pest description and crop damage This pest is most commonly in young stands. Visually, damage looks like pale-yellow lines moving vertically up the leaf. Very localized damage within a field may result in some seedling ...
Image related to Grass seed-Leafminer
Grass seed-March fly Bibio xanthopus Pest description and crop damage Adults are dark brown to black flies around 0.45 inches with reddish legs; smallish, dirty-looking, light brown to gray larvae (0.5 inch long when mature in February or March) are quite ...
Image related to Grass seed-March fly