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Clover seed-Meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius Pest description and crop damage Nymphs stunt plant growth and are recognized easily by spittle mass. An average of one nymph or more per stem may damage alfalfa, clover, and many other crops. Management-c ...

Clover seed-Nitidulid beetle Meligethes nigrescens Pest description and crop damage Shiny black beetles about 0.09 inch long. Adults seeking pollen damage flowers and prevent seed set. Browned flowers are unattractive to pollinating insects. This insect i ...

Clover seed-Omnivorous leaftier Cnephasia longana Pest description and crop damage Yellowish brown larvae with brown heads and light longitudinal stripes on each side of the back. They web terminal leaves and feed on new growth. Damage is in May and June. ...

Clover seed-Pea leaf weevil Sitona lineata Pest description and crop damage Adults are small, grayish brown, faintly striped weevils about 0.17 inch long. They appear in large numbers in spring and sometimes late summer. Adult feeding may kill seedling pl ...

Clover seed-Slug Various species Pest description and crop damage Mollusks that feed on various plants, damaging roots, crowns, leaves, and fruit. Snails and slugs are nocturnal and generally feed during the night damaging many varieties of plants and pla ...
Clover seed-Spider mite Includes Strawberry spider mite (Tetranychus turkestani) Twospotted spider mite (T. urticae) Pest description and crop damage Pests are not insects but rather eight-legged arachnids less than 0.03 inch long. West of the Cascades, m ...

Clover seed-Sweetclover weevil Sitona cylindricollis Pest description and crop damage Adults are gray or brownish gray and about 0.25 inch long. Weevils feed on and notch foliage. Most severe damage is to seedling plants. Sweet clover is the primary host, ...

Clover seed-Western spotted cucumber beetle Diabrotica undecimpunctata Pest description and crop damage Yellowish green, black-spotted beetle, common only in western Oregon and Washington. Adults feed on tender seedlings and retard or destroy the stand. T ...

Clover seed-Red clover casebearer moth Coleophora deauratella Pest description and crop damage Shiny metallic adult moths are about 9 mm long. The larvae overwinter inside a cigar-like case within residue in a field and pupate inside of the case on the gr ...
Clover seed-Garden symphylan Scutigerella maculata Pest description and crop damage Small, white, centipede-like animals in soil. They prune rootlets and reduce stands and plant vigor. Management-chemical control There are currently no insecticides regist ...