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Displaying 671 - 680 of 687 results.
Landscape pests-Leaf beetle Family Chrysomelidae includes many species of leaf beetle on many hosts Pest description and damage This family of beetles includes many small, often brightly colored, but damaging beetles that feed on many plants. This family ...
Landscape pests-Leafhopper Includes Cicadomorpha spp. Pest description and damage Several species of leafhopper may attack ornamental plants. Leafhoppers are slender, delicate insects about 0.125 inch or less in length. They are distinguished by the adult ...
Landscape pests-Leafminer Insects from several orders including Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera Pest description and damage Leafminer larvae feed between the upper and lower surfaces of leaves, or under the epidermis of stems or leaf peti ...
Landscape pests-Leafroller and leaftier Numerous species Pest description and damage There are many species of moth larvae, including leafrollers and leaftiers, that roll, tie or fold together leaves of ornamental trees, shrubs and other perennials. Leafr ...
Landscape pests-Mealybug Order Hemiptera: Family Pseudococcidae Pest description and damage Mealybugs are small (less than 0.125 inch) oblong insects that are often dusted with a coarse white flour-like substance or powdery wax. The insect body color unde ...
Landscape pests-Psylla Includes many species in the family Psyllidae Pest description and damage Psylla (or jumping plant lice) are soft-bodied, sucking insects which can produce copious honeydew, or form pseudo-galls. Adult psyllids look like a cross bet ...
Landscape pests-Root weevil Numerous species Pest description and damage Adult weevils are between 0.2- to 0.25-inch-long dark beetles with a snout (rostrum) and elbowed antennae. They cannot fly, so distribution is through migration or movement of infest ...
Image related to Landscape pests-Root weevil
Landscape pests-Sawfly Several families in the Order Hymenoptera Pest description and damage Sawflies are members of the Symphyta (horntails and sawflies), a subgroup of the Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps). Most sawfly species of concern in home landsc ...
Landscape pests-Scale insect Order Hemiptera: Families Coccidae, Diaspididae and others Pest description and damage Scale insects are common on many ornamental trees and shrubs, groundcovers, and herbaceous plants. Adult female scales live under a shell-l ...
Landscape pests-Spider mite Spruce spider mite (Oligonychus ununguis) Twospotted spider mite (Tetranycus urticae) Pest description and damage Several species of spider mites can cause damage to deciduous, evergreen, and coniferous ornamental plants. Appea ...
Image related to Landscape pests-Spider mite