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Displaying 421 - 430 of 687 results.
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Scale insect Several species including Oystershell scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi) San Jose scale (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus) Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live bene ...
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. Pest description and damage Several species of spider mites can cause damage to hawthorn leaves. Appearance of these mites varies with the species, although all are 0.02 inch or smaller. Adults and nymphs ...

Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Tent caterpillar Forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) Western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californica) Pest description and damage The western tent caterpillar attacks a wide variety of plants including alder, ash, birch, co ...

Hemlock (Tsuga)-Coneworm and shoot moth Dioryctria spp. Pest description and damage Adult coneworms are mottled gray or brown snout moths banded with subtle waves of color and about 0.6 to 0.7 inch in length. The coneworm larvae are small and cream-colore ...

Hemlock (Tsuga)-Hemlock scale Abgrallaspis ithacae Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their scales, t ...
Hemlock (Tsuga)-Hemlock woolly adelgid Adelges tsugae Pest description and damage Hemlock woolly adelgids are aphid-like insects that are about 0.0625 inch in length. They appear as white, woolly tufts on the bark, branches, and needles of twigs. Adults a ...
Hemlock (Tsuga)-Pine needle scale Chionaspis pinifoliae Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their scal ...

Holly (Ilex)-Aphid Includes Aphis (Toxoptera) aurantii and others Pest description and damage Several species of aphids can become problems as foliar, stem, flower, bud bark or root feeding pests. Aphids tend to be small (0.0625 to 0.125 inch in length), ...
Holly (Ilex)-Brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their scales, the ...

Holly (Ilex)-Cottony camellia scale Pulvinaria floccifera Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their sc ...