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Displaying 31 - 40 of 328 results.
Vegetable crop pests-Wireworm Ctenicera spp. and Limonius spp. Pest description and crop damage Wireworms are the most important soil-dwelling pests infesting crops in the Pacific Northwest. The adults, known as click beetles or snapping beetles (Elaterid ...
Image related to Vegetable crop pests-Wireworm
Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Aphid Includes Artichoke aphid (Capitophorous elaeagni) Erigeron root aphid (Aphis middletonii) Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) Thistle aphid (Brachycaudus cardui) Pest description and crop damage Artichoke aphids are pale, ...
Image related to Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Aphid
Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Artichoke plume moth Platyptilia carduidactylus Pest description and crop damage Adults of the artichoke plume moth vary in color from buff to brownish buff, with a wingspan of 0.75 to 1.25 inches. The wings are divided into lo ...
Image related to Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Artichoke plume moth
Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Cutworm Includes Black cutworm (Agotis ipsilon) Variegated cutworm (Peridroma saucia) Pest monitoring Pheromone traps can be used to monitor for cutworms prior to planting. If the cutworm population is reducing the plant stand ...
Image related to Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Cutworm
Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Painted lady or thistle butterfly Vanessa cardui Pest description and crop damage Painted ladies are orange-brown butterflies with a wingspan of up to 2.87 inches. Wings have a black apex patch and white bar on the leading edge ...
Image related to Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Painted lady or thistle butterfly
Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Slug Includes Arion spp. Black greenhouse slug (Milax gagates) Gray field slug (Derocerus reticulatum) Large spotted garden slug (Limax maximus) Marsh slug (Derocerus laeve) Reticulated slug (Prophysaon andersoni) Pest descript ...
Image related to Artichoke (globe artichoke)-Slug
Asparagus-Aphid Includes asparagus aphid (Brachycorynella asparagi) Pest description and crop damage Aphids feed on the fern and severely stunt growth. On mature fern, injury is a "tufting" of shoot growth beyond the point of injury. New shoots ...
Asparagus-Armyworm and cutworm Includes Beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) Bertha armyworm (Mamestra configurata) Yellowstriped armyworm (Spodoptera praefica) Black cutworm (Agotis ipsilon) Variegated cutworm (Peridroma saucia) Pest description and crop da ...
Image related to Asparagus-Armyworm and cutworm
Asparagus-Asparagus beetle Crioceris asparagi Pest description and crop damage Asparagus beetle larvae are dark green-gray grubs about 0.33 inch long when fully grown. Adults are blue-black beetles with a red section on their backs (prothorax). Their wing ...
Image related to Asparagus-Asparagus beetle
Asparagus-Spotted asparagus beetle Crioceris duodecimpunctata Pest description and crop damage Adults are brick-red with six black spots on each wing cover. Eggs are green and deposited singly. Larvae are cream color with a light brown head. They most fre ...
Image related to Asparagus-Spotted asparagus beetle