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Displaying 91 - 100 of 120 results.
Sugar beet-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. Pest description and crop damage These are a sporadic problem and generally more prevalent in Western Idaho. Spider mite outbreaks are associated with: Dusty sites; infestations especially begin along field edges ad ...

Sugar beet-Stink bug Pentatomidae Pest description and crop damage Stink bugs are primarily seed feeders, so they are usually inconsequential pests except in sugar beet seed fields. Scouting and thresholds No formal action thresholds exist for stink bug i ...
Sugar beet-Sugar beet crown borer Hulstia undulatella Pest description and crop damage Caterpillar is a dirty brown color with a green tint. Larvae feed on petioles at the plant crown and along the side of the taproot. They remain by day just below the so ...
Sugar beet-Sugar beet root aphid Includes Pemphigus betae Pemphigus populivenae Pest description and crop damage Pinhead-sized, pale white-yellow aphid that colonizes taproot. Aphids produce waxy white secretions that superficially resemble mold on beets. ...
Sugar beet-Sugar beet root maggot Tetanops myopaeformis Pest description and crop damage Widespread in Idaho and the adjoining Oregon production region, they annually reach economically damaging levels. Spring-emerging adult flies lay eggs in soil next to ...

Sugar beet-Webworm Alfalfa webworm (L. cereralis) Beet webworm (Loxostege sticticalis) Garden webworm (Achyra rantalis) Pest description and crop damage Olive-green larvae up to 1.5 inches long, marked with black dots and both dark and light stripes down ...

Sugar beet-White grub Scarabaeidae Pest description and crop damage Robust, C-shaped larvae of June beetles, 0.125 to 1.25 inches long, with a brown head capsule and prominent jointed legs. The body is an overall dirty white, but the last abdominal segmen ...
Sugar beet-False celery leaftier Udea profundalis Pest description and crop damage The common name derives from the caterpillar's habit of tying leaves together with silk, creating a shelter. Caterpillars are greenish and somewhat translucent with tw ...
Sunflower-Banded sunflower moth Cochylis hospes Pest description and crop damage The adult has a dark band across yellowish tan forewings. The wingspan is about 0.5 inch. Early instar larvae are off-white; late instar larvae are pinkish to red with a brow ...
Sunflower-Cutworm Includes Darksided cutworm (Euxoa messoria) Dingy cutworm (Feltia jaculifera) Redbacked cutworm (Euxoa ochrogaster) Pest description and crop damage Forewings of the darksided cutworm are usually light, powdery, and grayish brown with in ...