2,4-D amine
Rate 1 lb ae/A
Time Apply to rosette stage in fall or spring.
Remarks Treating after teasel begins to bolt may not be effective.
Caution Avoid drift to sensitive crops.
Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid
2,4-D amine + dicamba (Rifle-D and several others)
Rate 0.75 lb ae/A 2,4-D + 0.125 lb ae/A dicamba
Time Apply to rosette stage in fall or spring.
Remarks Treatments made after teasel begins to bolt may not be effective.
Caution Avoid drift to sensitive crops.
Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family (2,4-D) Phenoxy acetic acid; (dicamba) Benzoic acid
aminocyclopyrachlor + chlorsulfuron (Perspective)
Rate 1.8 to 3.2 oz/A aminocyclopyrachlor + 0.7 to 1.3 oz/A chlorsulfuron (4.5 to 8 oz/A of product)
Time Apply to actively growing plants in spring.
Remarks Adjuvants can be used; these include methylated seed oils 0.5 to 1% v/v, nonionic surfactants at 0.25 to 1% v/v, and crop oil concentrates at 1%v/v. Can be applied using an invert emulsion rather than water.
Caution Even low rates can kill nontarget tree and shrub species, so avoid application within a distance equal to the tree height of the sensitive species. Do not allow spray to drift off target. Can injure several grass species including bromes, as well as basin wildrye.
Site of action (aminocyclopyrachlor) Group 4: Synthetic auxin; (chlorsulfuron) Group 2: ALS inhibitor
Chemical family (aminocyclopyrachlor) Pyrimidine carboxylic acid; (chlorsulfuron) Sulfonylurea
chlorsulfuron (Telar)
Rate 0.75 oz ai/A (1 oz/A Telar)
Time For best results, apply to actively growing teasel in the rosette stage.
Remarks Constantly agitate while mixing and spraying. Add 0.25% v/v nonionic surfactant to spray mixture. Apply with ground equipment in at least 10 gal/A carrier.
Caution Registered for use on pasture, range, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and non-cropland only. Avoid contact with sensitive crops. Can persist in soil. Do not treat powdery, dry soils or light, sandy soils unless rain is likely soon after treatment. Do not apply to frozen ground.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Sulfonylurea
diflufenzopyr + dicamba (Overdrive)
Rate 0.26 to 0.35 lb ae/A (6 to 8 oz/A)
Time Apply to rosettes.
Remarks Add a surfactant to the spray mix.
Caution Avoid drift to sensitive crops. Will kill legumes.
Site of action (diflufenzopyr) Group 19: inhibits indole acetic acid transport; (dicamba) Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family (diflufenzopyr) Semicarbazone; (dicamba) Benzoic acid
imazapic (Plateau)
Rate 0.125 to 0.188 lb ai/A
Time Apply to rosettes.
Remarks Add 1 quart/A methylated seed oil.
Caution Before using, note crop rotation restrictions.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Imidazolinone
metsulfuron (Escort and others)
Rate Escort: 0.45 oz ai/A (0.75 oz/A)
Time Apply to actively growing plants.
Remarks Using a nonionic or silicone surfactant increases effectiveness. Application sites differ among products; consult labels.
Caution Apply only to pasture, rangeland, and non-crop sites.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Sulfonylurea
triclopyr + clopyralid (Redeem R&P)
Rate 1.5 pints/A
Time Apply when actively growing.
Remarks Add a nonionic surfactant at surfactant manufacturer's recommended rate. Apply in at least 10 gal/A water by ground.
Caution Do not exceed 4 pints/A per year. Avoid drift to desirable vegetation. Note label restrictions on overseeding or reseeding.
Site of action (both) Group 4: synthetic auxin
Chemical family (both) Pyridine