Sowthistle, perennial (Sonchus arvensis)


Rate 2 lb ae/A

Time Apply at bud stage and to regrowth 8 to 10 inches high.

Remarks Repeat applications are necessary.

Caution Avoid drift to sensitive crops.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family Phenoxy acetic acid

aminopyralid (Milestone)

Rate 0.75 to 1.25 oz ae/A (3 to 5 fl oz/A Milestone)

Time Apply to actively growing plants before the bud stage of growth.

Remarks A nonionic surfactant at 1 to 2 quarts per 100 gal of spray enhances control under adverse environmental conditions.

Caution Do not allow drift to desirable vegetation. Many forbs (desirable broadleaf plants) can be seriously injured or killed. Do not exceed 7 fl oz/A Milestone per year.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family Pyridine

clopyralid + 2,4-D amine (Curtail)

Rate 1 to 5 quarts/A Curtail

Time Apply after most rosettes have emerged but before bud stage.

Remarks Lower rate for in-crop cereal grain application; usually will provide only suppression. Higher rates for fallow, postharvest, and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) applications. Consult label for specific directions. With CRP applications, for established grass only. Apply in enough total spray volume to ensure good coverage.

Caution Consult label for crop rotation restrictions before using product. Several crops may be injured up to 4 years after application.

Site of action Group 4: synthetic auxin

Chemical family (clopyralid) pyridine; (2,4-D) phenoxy acetic acid