Dodder and Other Weeds in Established Stands

pendimethalin (Prowl 3.3, Prowl H2O)

Rate 2 to 4 lb ai/A (2.4 to 4.8 quarts/A Prowl 3.3)

Time Apply to established alfalfa between January 15 and April 30, but before dodder germinates.

Remarks Controls most annual grasses and, in addition to dodder, certain broadleaf weeds as they germinate. Processed seed must be labeled "Not for human or animal consumption" at the processing plant, and all seed screenings must be disposed of in a way that they cannot be distributed or used for food or feed.

Caution Do not apply to seedling alfalfa. Do not graze or harvest alfalfa for hay after application. Do not use screenings from seed processing as feed for livestock. Do not use harvested seed for sprouting.

Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor

Chemical family Dinitroaniline

pronamide (Kerb 50-W)

Rate 1.5 to 2 lb ai/A (3 to 6 lb/A 50W). Use 1.5 to 2 lb ai/A in furrow-irrigated or rill-irrigated fields and 1.5 lb ai/A in sprinkler-irrigated fields.

Time Apply in spring before dodder germinates.

Remarks On furrow-irrigated or rill-irrigated fields, follow a shallow incorporation with irrigation within 7 days. On sprinkler-irrigated fields, follow application with 0.5 to 1 inch of water within 1 to 3 days. Seldom is dodder controlled 100%. Patrol fields to find dodder patches, then spot-treat them.

Caution A restricted-use herbicide. Follow application with a shallow irrigation. When sprinkler irrigation is used, irrigate within 3 days; with furrow systems, irrigate within 7 days. Do not graze treated fields or harvest for forage.

Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor

Chemical family Benzamide

trifluralin (Treflan TR-10)

Rate 3 to 4 lb ai/A (30 to 40 lb/A Treflan TR-10 granules)

Time Apply before dodder germinates, in late winter or spring. The surface-applied granules must be activated by a single rain or overhead sprinkler irrigation of at least 0.5 inch within 3 days of application. Otherwise, incorporate with equipment that ensures thorough soil mixing with minimal damage to the alfalfa.

Remarks Special local needs labels ID-910001, OR-900019 (A and B), and WA-900016. Use only on alfalfa grown for seed. Seed must be labeled at the processing plant "Not for human or animal consumption." Seed screenings from alfalfa treated with more than 20 lb/A Treflan TR-10 must be disposed of in a way that prevents recovery for food or feed.

Caution Do not use on seedling alfalfa. Do not graze or harvest treated alfalfa for hay. When treated alfalfa will be rotated to another crop in the year after application, plant only those crops to which trifluralin can be applied as a preplant treatment.

Site of action Group 3: microtubule assembly inhibitor

Chemical family Dinitroaniline