Trade name(s) Oust XP, SFM 75, Spyder
Manufacturer(s) Alligare, Nufarm, Bayer
Formulation(s) 75% dispersible granules
Remarks Broad-spectrum herbicide with preemergence and postemergence activity for noncropland and forestry use. Westar is sulfometuron + hexazinone.
Water solubility 10 ppm at pH 5; 300 ppm at pH 7
Storage conditions Stable.
Acute toxicity LD50 - 5,000 mg/kg
Action in plant Interferes with an enzyme, rapidly stopping cell division.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Sulfonylurea
Koc Average is 78 mL/g at pH 7 for Sulfometuron-methyl