
Trade name(s) Assure II, FirstAct, Highcard, Targa

Manufacturer(s) ADAMA, Corteva

Formulation(s) 0.83 and 0.88 lb/gal emulsifiable concentrate

Remarks A selective postemergence grass herbicide. Controls most annual and perennial grasses including quackgrass and johnsongrass. A nonionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate is required for maximum effectiveness.

Water solubility 0.3 ppm at 68°F

Storage conditions Do not store below 32°F.

Acute toxicity LD50 - 5,700 mg/kg

Action in plant Inhibits an enzyme (ACCase) that catalyzes the first step in fatty acid synthesis. This blocks production of new membranes required for cell growth.

Site of action Group 1: acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor

Chemical family Aryloxyphenoxy propionate

Koc Average is 510 mL/g for quizalofop ethyl ester