
Trade name(s) Velpar, Velpar DF, Velpar L, Pronone

Manufacturer(s) Bayer Environmental Science, DuPont, Helena and others

Formulation(s) 2 lb/gal miscible liquid, 75% granule, 10% granule

Remarks A foliar- or soil-applied herbicide with soil activity for broadleaf weed, brush, and grass control in cropland, noncropland, forest lands, and rangeland. Westar is sulfometuron + hexazinone.

Water solubility 33,000 ppm

Storage conditions Store above 32°F.

Acute toxicity LD50 - 860 mg/kg

Action in plant Inhibits photosynthesis.

Site of action Group 5: photosystem II inhibitor

Chemical family Triazinone

Koc Average is 54 mL/g