Trade name(s) Basagran, BasagranT/O, Broadloom and others
Manufacturer(s) BASF, UPL, Winfield
Formulation(s) 4 or 5 lb/gal soluble concentrate
Remarks A selective herbicide to control many broadleaf weeds and yellow nutsedge. Rain within 24 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. Bentazon is a postemergence contact spray, so thorough coverage is essential.
Water solubility 500 ppm
Storage conditions Store between 32° and 122°F. Warm to 70°F and agitate until crystals dissolve, or do not use.
Acute toxicity LD50 - 1,860 mg/kg
Action in plant Inhibits photosynthesis.
Site of action Group 6: photosystem II inhibitor
Chemical family Benzothiadiazole
Koc Average is 34 mL/g