Clear-winged grasshopper (Camnula pellucida)
Migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes)
Pest description and crop damage Both young and adults do damage. They feed on foliage, heads, or often on stems just beneath the heads, causing them to drop. They may attack any of the cereal crops.
Management-chemical control
Seed treatment
Seed treatment used on wheat and barley may provide early season protection from grasshoppers.
- imidacloprid (Gaucho 600F) at 1.2 to 2.4 fl oz per (0.047 to 0.094 lb ai) /100 lb seed to provide early-season protection. Do not graze or feed livestock on treated areas within 45 days after planting. REI 12 hr. To reduce early season damage caused by grasshoppers, Gaucho 600 treated seed may be planted as a 50 to 60 foot border around the edges of the field.
- thiamethoxam (Cruiser 5FS) at 1.33 fl oz (0.052 lb ai) /100 lb seed. REI 12 hr. Ground water advisory.
Foliar sprays
- alpha-cypermethrin (Fastac EC) at 0.02 to 0.025 lb ai/A. PHI 14 days for grain, forage and hay. REI 12 hr. Retreatment interval 14 days. Do not exceed 0.075 lb ai/A per season. Wheat and triticale.
- Beauveria bassiana GHA (Mycotrol ESO) at 0.5 to 2 pints/A. PHI 0 days. REI 4 hr. Do not apply more than 6 pints/A. OMRI-listed for organic use.
- beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid XL) at 0.014 to 0.019 lb ai/A. PHI 30 days, 3 days for grazing or foraging. REI 12 hr. Retreatment interval 3 days. Do not exceed 0.038 lb ai/A per season.
- chlorantraniliprole (Coragen) at 0.026 to 0.065 lb ai/A. PHI 1 day. REI 4 hr. Retreatment interval 7 days. Do not exceed 0.2 lb ai of chlorantraniliprole per acre per year. Limit 4 treatments.
- cyfluthrin (Tombstone) at 0.028 to 0.038 lb ai/A. PHI 30 days, 3 days for grazing or foraging. REI 12 hr. Retreatment interval 3 days. Do not exceed 0.076 lb ai/A per season of cyfluthrin alone, or the combined total of cyfluthrin plus beta-cyfluthrin. Wheat only.
- diflubenzuron (Dimilin 2L) at 0.015 to 0.031 lb ai/A. PHI for grain and straw 50 days; forage 3 days; hay 15 days. REI 12 hr. One treatment per season. Barley, oats, triticale, and wheat.
- dimethoate (Dimethoate 400) at 0.375 lb ai/A. PHI 35 days. REI 48 hr. Do not exceed 0.5 lb ai/A per season. Ground water advisory. Wheat only.
- gamma-cyhalothrin (Declare) at 0.01 to 0.015 lb ai/A. PHI 30 days, 7 days for grazing or foraging. REI 24 hr. Do not exceed 0.03 lb ai/A per season.
- lambda-cyhalothrin (Silencer, Warrior II) at 0.02 to 0.03 lb ai/A. PHI 30 days, 7 days for grazing or foraging. REI 24 hr. Do not exceed 0.06 lb ai/A per season.
- lambda-cyhalothrin/chlorantraniliprole (Besiege) at 0.059 to 0.098 lb ai/A. PHI 30 days, 7 days for grazing or foraging. REI 24 hr. Retreatment interval 7 days. Do not exceed 0.06 lb ai lambda-cyhalothrin or 0.2 lb ai chlorantraniliprole per year.
- lambda-cyhalothrin/tebuconazole (Crossover) at 0.14 lb ai/A. PHI 30 days, 7 days for grazing or foraging. REI 24 hr. Do not exceed 0.11 lb ai/A tebuconazole or 0.06 lb ai/A lambda-cyhalothrin per season. Do not exceed 8 fl oz/A or 0.139 lb ai/A per season. Barley, triticale and wheat.
- lambda-cyhalothrin/thiamethoxam (Endigo ZC) at 0.056 to 0.072 lb ai/A. PHI 30 days, 7 days for grazing or foraging. REI 24 hr. Retreatment interval 7 days. Do not exceed 0.06 lb ai/A lambda-cyhalothrin or 0.125 lb ai/A thiamethoxam per season. Groundwater advisory. Barley only.
- malathion (Malathion 8) at 1.0 lb ai/A. PHI 7 days. REI 12 hr. Retreatment interval 7 days. Limit 2 treatments per year. Barley, oat, rye and wheat.
- pyrethrin-There are several pesticides containing various amounts of pyrethrins. Check each label for the use and amount needed. Some formulations are OMRI-listed for organic use.
- spinosad (Success, Entrust SC) at 0.047 to 0.094 lb ai/A. PHI 21 days for grain and straw; 3 days for forage, fodder or hay. REI 4 hr. Retreatment interval 4 days. Do not exceed 0.28 lb ai/A per year. Limit 3 treatments per year. Entrust SC is OMRI-listed for organic use.
- zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang) at 0.04 to 0.05 lb ai/A. PHI 14 days for grain, forage, and hay. REI 12 hr. Retreatment interval 14 days. Do not exceed 0.25 lb ai/A (0.125 lb ai/A for MustangMaxx) per year.