Federally Restricted-Use Herbicides
The active ingredients listed below are designated as restricted-use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); buying them requires a certified pesticide applicator’s license.
Herbicides are listed by the active ingredient. Some or all uses of these active ingredients are considered restricted-use. Before purchasing any pesticide, consult the label for usage category.
- Acrolein (high acute toxicity)
- Atrazine (ground and surface water contamination)
- Dazomet (acute inhalation toxicity to humans)
- Dichloropropene (due to high acute inhalation toxicity and carcinogenicity)
- Metam-sodium (acute inhalation toxicity to humans)
- Methyl bromide (acute toxicity, hazards to humans and domestic animals)
- Paraquat (acute toxicity)
- Phenmedipham (dermal irritation)
- Picloram (may injure susceptible, non-target plants)
- Pronamide (some formulations; tumors in laboratory animals)
Additional Restricted-Use Herbicides in WA
Some or all uses of the following herbicide active ingredients are classified as restricted-use in addition to the federal restricted-use pesticides listed above. Before purchasing any pesticide, consult the label for usage category and site.
- All aquatic uses of herbicides
- All formulations of phenoxy hormone-type herbicides (e.g., 2,4-D, 2,4-DB, 2,4-DP (dichlorprop), MCPA, MCPB, MCPP (mecoprop) and dicamba when distributed in counties located east of the crest of the Cascade Mountains
- Bromacil (ground water)
- Clopyralid (disposal of grass clippings)
- DCPA (ground water)
- Diuron (ground water)
- Hexazinone (ground water)
- Metribuzin; (ground water)
- Metolachlor (ground water)
- Picloram (ground water)
- Prometon (ground water)
- Simazine (ground water)
- Tebuthiuron (ground water)