Trade name(s) Escort XP, Ally, Cimarron, Purestand, and others
Manufacturer(s) Corteva, Bayer CropScience, FMC, Helena and others
Formulation(s) 60% dry flowable
Remarks A selective postemergence herbicide used at low rates to control broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, and fallow. Escort is used for selective broadleaf weed and brush control in pastures, rangeland, and noncropland.
Water solubility 270 ppm at pH 4.6; 9,500 ppm at pH 6.7
Storage conditions Stable if kept dry.
Acute toxicity LD50 - greater than 5,000 mg/kg
Action in plant Interferes with an enzyme, resulting in rapid cessation of cell division in both roots and shoots.
Site of action Group 2: acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor
Chemical family Sulfonylurea
Koc Average is 35 mL/g at pH 7