
Trade name(s) Roundup, Rodeo, Kleenup, Accord, Honcho, E-Z-Ject, Rattler, Glypro, Gly Star, AquaNeat, Tomahawk, Glyphosate, Durango, and many others

Manufacturer(s) Monsanto Co., Corteva, Syngenta, and others

Formulation(s) 1.23, 2, 3, 3.7, 4, 4.17, 4.75, and 5 lb/gal acid equivalent; 64.9% and 85% acid equivalent soluble powder.

Remarks A nonselective translocated herbicide with no apparent soil activity. Rain within 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. Glyphosate translocates to roots and rhizomes of perennial weeds. Complete control may require retreatment. Low-volume applications are most effective.

Water solubility 12,000 ppm

Storage conditions Store between -20° and 120°F.

Acute toxicity LD50 - 5,400 mg/kg

Action in plant Inhibits three amino acids and protein synthesis.

Site of action Group 9: inhibits EPSP synthase

Chemical family None generally accepted

Koc Average is 24,000 mL/g (estimated)