Italian Ryegrass, Wild Oat, and Windgrass

pinoxaden + fenoxaprop (Axial Bold)

Rate 0.0536 lb ai/A pinoxaden + 0.0267 lb ai/A fenoxaprop (15 oz/A Axial Bold)

Time Apply to wheat from emergence to pre-boot stage. Apply to wild oat at the 1- to 6-leaf stage on the main stem. Apply to Italian ryegrass and windgrass at the 1- to 5-leaf stage on the main stem.

Remarks Weed control can be reduced or delayed under conditions of stress such as drought, heat, insufficient fertility, flooding, and prolonged cool temperatures.

Caution Under certain environmental conditions, mixtures of Axial Bold with liquid nitrogen fertilizers as a partial carrier may cause crop burn.

Site of action Group 1: acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitor

Chemical family (pinoxaden) Phenylpyrazoline; (fenoxaprop) Aryloxyphenoxy propionate