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Displaying 21 - 30 of 30 results.
Hazelnut-California Prionus Beetle Prionus californicus Pest description and crop damage A very large (up to 3.5 inch body), brown native long-horned beetle with elongate serrated antennae and large mandibles (jaws). Three lateral spines are present on ea ...
Hazelnut-Nautical borer Xylotrechus nauticus Pest description and crop damage Coal-colored longhorn beetle (name refers to elongate antennae) with an elongated body and long legs. Grey or white 'W' or 'M' shaped bands are present on th ...
Hazelnut-Tree cricket Snowy tree cricket (Oecanthus fultoni) Pest description and crop damage This tree cricket is very common in hazelnut orchards. The male produces the classic chirp that is often used in movie soundtracks, and the frequency of chirps i ...
Hazelnut-Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha halys Pest description and crop damage An invasive pest that has been increasingly attacking hazelnuts in the Willamette Valley. There are five immature stages, and all but the first feed on the plant. Early ...
Walnut-Aphid Includes Dusky-veined aphid (Panaphis juglandis) Walnut aphid (Chromaphis juglandicola) Pest description and crop damage Walnut aphids are pale yellow, much smaller than the dusky-veined aphid, and feed on the lower surface of leaves. Dusky-v ...
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Walnut-Codling moth Cydia pomonella Pest description and crop damage This is a gray tortricid moth with coppery spots on the wings and white or pink larvae up to 0.625 inch long that can damage walnuts. While codling moth is an important pest of walnuts i ...
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Walnut-Fall webworm Hyphantria cunea Pest description and crop damage Fall webworm is the most common tent-making caterpillar in North America and has a very wide host range that includes more than 100 deciduous trees and shrubs. Nut trees are among the p ...
Image related to Walnut-Fall webworm
Walnut-Scale insects Includes Frosted scale (Parthenolecanium pruinosum) European fruit lecanium scale (Parthenolecanium corni) Pest description and crop damage The frosted scale is the most serious soft scale pest of walnuts. Mature scales are brownish, ...
Walnut-Walnut blister mite Aceria erineus Pest description and crop damage Very small eriophyid mite causes blister like swelling on upper leaf surface and yellowish or brown concave pocket on underside of leaf. These insects usually do not cause enough d ...
Walnut-Walnut husk fly Rhagoletis completa Pest description and crop damage The walnut husk fly is the most important pest of walnuts in the Pacific Northwest. This pest is native to the south-central United States but is now widespread throughout western ...
Image related to Walnut-Walnut husk fly