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Displaying 91 - 100 of 687 results.
Fir (Abies)-Coneworm Dioryctria spp. Pest description and crop damage The adult coneworm is a mottled gray moth. The coneworms are small and cream-color or light brown with a darker head. Coneworms attack true firs by boring into shoot tips or stems, espe ...

Fir (Abies)-Spruce budworm Pest description and crop damage Adult moths are mottled orange-brown and have a wingspan up to 1 inch. The larvae are typically green to brown with a darker head and grow to approximately 1 inch in length. These larvae feed on ...
Fir (Abies)-Spruce spider mite Oligonychus ununguis See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Fir (Abies) Spruce spider mite ...
Fuchsia (Fuchsia)-Fuchsia gall mite Aculops fuchsiae Pest description and crop damage Tiny mites (Eriophyidae) infest growing tips, young leaves, and blooms and cause distorted, twisted, and blistered growth. They are primarily in coastal areas. They are ...
Golden chain (Laburnum)-Aphid Several species See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Golden chain (Laburnum) Aphid ...
Golden chain (Laburnum)-Leafminer Leucoptera (probably Iaburnella) See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Mines leaves in blotches and can defoliate trees.-biological control May be under control by natural parasites. Manageme ...
Golden chain (Laburnum)-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Golden chain (Laburnum) Spider mite ...

Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer Choreutis pariana See: Cherry, flowering (Prunus)-Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer Hawthorn (Crataegus) Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer ...

Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Hawthorn aphid Anuraphis craetaegifoliae See: Common Pests of Nursery Crops Pest description and crop damage Pinkish green to yellowish green aphid; causes leaves to curl tightly. Hawthorn (Crataegus) Hawthorn aphid ...
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Leafroller Several species Pest description and crop damage Several species of leafroller are pests of hawthorn. These are larvae of moths which use native plants as hosts as well as fruit trees. They all cause similar damage to the t ...