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Displaying 641 - 650 of 687 results.
Madrone (Arbutus)-Root weevil Otiorhynchus spp. Pest description and damage Species identification is important as root weevil species differ in susceptibility to pesticides and can have different life cycles. Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal bee ...
Maple (Acer)-Root weevil Various species Pest description and damage Identification is important as these species differ in susceptibility to pesticides. Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal beetles from 0.2 and 0.25 inch in length, with a snout (ros ...
Mountain ash (Sorbus)-Root weevil Various species Pest description and damage Identification is important as multiple species differ in susceptibility to pesticides. Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal beetles from 0.2 to 0.25 inch in length, with a ...
Pine (Pinus)-Root weevil Various species Pest description and damage Identification is important as several species differ in susceptibility to pesticides. Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal beetles, 0.2 to 0.25 inch in length, with a snout (rostru ...
Rockrose (Cistus)-Root weevil Numerous species Pest description and damage Identification is important: species differ in susceptibility to pesticides and may have different life cycles. Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal beetles from 0.2 to 0.25 i ...
Witch-hazel (Hamamelis)-Root weevil Includes Black vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) Clay-colored weevil (Otiorhynchus singularis) Strawberry root weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus) Pest description and damage Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal beetles ...
Spruce (Picea)-Western webspinning sawfly Cephalcia californica Pest description and damage Webworms are larvae of webspinning sawflies. The larvae may measure up to 1 inch in length and cause distinctive damage on spruce and some pines. The older needles ...
Alder (Alnus)-Flea beetle Alder flea beetle (Macrohaltica alnus) Pest description and damage Adults are dark, shiny blue, and about 0.25 inch in length. Larvae are black and about 0.25 inch in length at maturity. Adults chew holes in leaves while the larv ...
Turfgrass-Billbug Includes Bluegrass billbug (Sphenophorus parvulus) Denver billbug (S. cicatristriatus) Hunting billbug (S. venatus) Phoenician billbug (S. phoeniciensis) Pest description and crop damage Adults are about 0.375 inch long, black, with a di ...
Image related to Turfgrass-Billbug
Turfgrass-Chinch bug Blissus spp. (An as yet unidentified species, not B. leucopterus, the destructive species in the Midwest) Pest description and crop damage Small black bug, 0.18 inch long, with characteristic white marks on wing covers. Nymphs are red ...
Image related to Turfgrass-Chinch bug