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Displaying 621 - 630 of 687 results.
Willow (Salix)-Satin moth Leucoma salicis Pest description and damage The adult moth (over 1-inch wingspan) is satiny white with black markings on the legs. The attractive larvae are approximately 2 inches in length when grown and reddish brown with doubl ...
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Fall webworm Hyphantria cunea Pest description and damage These gregarious caterpillars spin web-like tents in branch tips of deciduous trees including apple, cherry, peach, pecan, English walnut, black walnut, ash, boxelder, birch, c ...
Willow (Salix)-Spiny elm caterpillar (mourning cloak butterfly) Nymphalis antiopa Pest description and damage The spiny elm caterpillar is the larval stage of the mourning cloak butterfly. The adult butterfly is approximately 2.5 inches across, with purpl ...
Aucuba (Aucuba japonica)-Aphid Foxglove aphid (Aulacorthum solani) and others Pest description and damage The foxglove aphid has been reported on aucuba. This aphid is about 0.1 inch in length and pale green with dark green patches at the base of each cor ...
Bergenia (Bergenia)-Root weevil Includes black vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) Description and damage Adults are hard-bodied weevils with a broad snout and elbowed antennae. The black vine weevil is black in color with tufts of yellow scales in rows a ...
Black locust (Robinia)-Aphid Cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora) Pest description and damage These aphids range in size from 0.05 to 0.08 inches in length and vary in color progressing from light greenish-gray through darkening shades of green to shiny black ...
Butterfly bush (Buddleja)-Earwig Primarily European earwig (Forficula auricularia) Pest description and damage This introduced, nocturnal insect can devastate seedlings, flowers, leaves, and fruit. Adults are brown in color and roughly 0.5 inch in length. ...
Butterfly bush (Buddleja)-Root weevil Numerous species Pest description and damage Identification is important: species differ in susceptibility to pesticides. Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal beetles between 0.2 and 0.25 inch in length, with a s ...
California lilac (Ceanothus)-Root weevil Numerous species Pest description and damage Identification is important: species differ in susceptibility to pesticides. Adult weevils are dark colored, nocturnal beetles between 0.2 and 0.25 inch long, with a sno ...
California lilac (Ceanothus)-Whitefly Family: Aleyrodidae Pest description and damage Whitefly species occasionally develop large populations on ceanothus, yet damage is surprisingly insignificant. As the name implies, adult whiteflies are tiny white flie ...