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Displaying 511 - 520 of 687 results.
Pine (Pinus)-Black pineleaf scale Dynaspidiotus (Nuculaspis) californica Description, biology and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape a ...
Pine (Pinus)-Coneworm and shoot moth Dioryctria spp. Pest description and damage Adult coneworms are mottled gray or brown snout moths banded with subtle waves of color and about 0.6 to 0.7 inch in length. The coneworm larvae are small and cream-colored o ...

Pine (Pinus)-Eriophyid mite Trisetacus spp. Pest description and damage Eriophyid mites are tiny (around 0.007 inch in length), elongated, whitish or tan mites that feed under bud scales or in the needle sheaths, often down in the fascicles at the needle ...
Pine (Pinus)-European pine shoot moth Rhyacionia buoliana Pest description and damage Adult moths are about 0.4 inch in length and reddish orange with silver markings on the wings. The mature larvae are about 0.63 inch in length and reddish-brown with bla ...

Pine (Pinus)-Mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Pest description and damage Adults are black and about 0.25 inch in length. Larvae are white and found under the bark in straight galleries. The mountain pine beetle attacks pine trees (trunks and ...
Pine (Pinus)-Pandora moth Coloradia pandora Pest description and damage The adult is a large (2.7-to-4-inch wingspan), brown-gray, heavy-bodied moth with black markings on the wings. Pandora moth larvae are brownish- to yellowish-green, spiny, and about 1 ...
Pine (Pinus)-Giant conifer aphid Cinara spp. Pest description and damage Cinera species are generally large (0.13 to 0.2 inch in length) aphids. These soft-bodied insects have piercing-sucking mouthparts. Many of the pine aphids tend to be waxy and feed i ...
Pine (Pinus)-Pine bark adelgid Pineus strobi Pest description and damage This adelgid feeds on the bark of pines and spruce. They are about 0.03 inch in length and appear woolly and may be confused with woolly aphid species. Pine bark adelgids form woolly ...

Pine (Pinus)-Pine white butterfly Neophasia menapia Pest description and damage Adult pine butterflies have a wingspan of 1.75 to 2 inches and are white with black markings and closely resemble the cabbage butterfly; females have a yellow cast to the fore ...

Pine (Pinus)-Pine needle scale Chionaspis pinifoliae Pest description and damage Pine needle scale insects are about 0.1 inch in length. Female adults appear as elongate white scales that are found on and feed on the needles. The insects beneath the scale ...