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Displaying 481 - 490 of 687 results.
Mountain ash (Sorbus)-Mountain ash sawfly Pristiphora geniculata Pest description and damage This is a new pest in western Washington and possibly elsewhere. It was noticed in the spring of 2009 in Everett, Lynnwood, and Monroe areas, so it is likely to h ...
Mountain ash (Sorbus)-Pear sawfly (pear slug) California pear sawfly (Pristiphora abbreviata) Pear slug (Caliroa cerasi) Pest description and damage Pear slug is a European insect now found in most areas of the U.S. It attacks both pear and cherry and is ...

Mountain ash (Sorbus)-Tent caterpillar Forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) Western tent caterpillar (Malacosoma californica) Pest description and damage The western tent caterpillar attacks a wide variety of plants including alder, ash, birch, c ...
Narcissus (Narcissus)-Narcissus bulb fly Narcissus bulb fly (Merodon equestris) Pest description and damage The larva is a fat, yellowish-white, and wrinkled maggot and 0.75 inch in length. The lesser bulb fly adults are blackish green with white markings ...

Oak (Quercus)-Carpenterworm Prionoxystus robiniae Pest description and damage Carpenterworms are the larvae of a large, mottled gray and black moth (goat moth). The caterpillars are white to pinkish red with a dark head and are 1 to 3 inches in length whe ...
Oak (Quercus)-Oak gall wasp Includes Oak twig gall wasp (Bassettia ligni) California jumping gall wasp (Neuroterus saltatorius) Speckled gall wasp (Cynips mirabilis) California gall wasp (Andricus quercuscalifornicus) Pest description and damage Over 400 ...

Oak (Quercus)-Oak leaf phylloxera Phylloxera spp. Pest description and damage Phylloxerids are very small (0.01 to 0.02 inch) aphid-like insects that lack cornicles. They are usually spiny in appearance and found in clusters. Winged forms have reduced win ...
Oak (Quercus)-Oak skeletonizer Oak skeletonizer (Bucculatrix ainsliella) Oak-ribbed skeletonizer (Bucculatrix albertiella) Pest description and damage This insect also is known as the oak ribbed casemaker (Bucculatrix albertiella). The adult moth is mottl ...
Oak (Quercus)-Pit scale Asterolecaniidae including Golden oak scale (Asterodiaspis variolosa) Description, biology and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often iden ...

Oak (Quercus)-Rose leafhopper Includes Edwardsiana rosae Pest description and damage Rose leafhoppers are small (0.14 to 0.16 inch in length), active, whitish-green insects which run backwards, forwards or sideways when disturbed. The nymphs (immature) ar ...