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Displaying 461 - 470 of 687 results.
Linden (Tilia)-Linden gall mite Eriophyes tiliae Pest description and damage A very tiny (less than 0.008 inch) eriophyid mite that causes elongated, red to greenish pimple-like galls (about 0.3 inch in length) on leaves. Damage is seldom serious. Managem ...
Linden (Tilia)-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. Pest description and damage Several species of spider mites can cause damage in deciduous, evergreen, and coniferous ornamentals. Appearance of these mites varies with the species, although all are 0.02 inches o ...

Locust (Robinia)-Carpenterworm Prionoxystus robiniae Pest description and damage Carpenterworms are the larvae of large, mottled gray and black moths (commonly called goat moths) whose size ranges from 1.75 to 3.0 inches in length. The caterpillars are wh ...
Locust (Robinia)-Locust borer Megacyllene robiniae Description, biology and damage This is a serious pest of black locust. An attractive yellow and black longhorned beetle (0.75 inch in length) which can be seen on goldenrod and rabbit brush in the fall. ...

Madrone (Arbutus)-Leafminer Madrone shield bearer (Coptodisca arbutiella) Serpentine leafminer (Marmara arbutiella) Description, biology and damage The serpentine madrone miner adult is a tiny (about 0.2-inch wingspan) moth. Larvae of this leaf- and twig- ...
Maple (Acer)-Aphid Norway maple aphid (Periphyllus lyropictus) Common maple aphid (Periphyllus testudinaceus) Description, damage, biology and life history These 0.1-inch-long aphids on maple are most severe in the spring. This aphid usually develops wing ...

Maple (Acer)-Western boxelder bug Boisea rubrolineata Pest description and damage The boxelder bug is often a nuisance pest around and in homes where boxelder is commonly grown. The adult boxelder bug is a red, flat, and elongated bug about 0.5 inch in le ...

Maple (Acer)-Carpenterworm Prionoxystus robiniae Pest description and damage Carpenterworms are the larvae of a large, mottled gray and black moth (commonly called goat moths) whose size ranges from 1.75 to 3.0 inches in length. The caterpillars are white ...
Maple (Acer)-Cottony maple scale Pulvinaria innumerabilis Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their sc ...

Maple (Acer)-Maple bladder gall mite Maple bladder gall mite (Vasates quadripedes) Description, biology and damage The maple bladdergall mite is a microscopic (less than 0.006 inch in length) eriophyid mite that feeds on the underside of leaves. Infested ...