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Displaying 441 - 450 of 687 results.
Ivy (Hedera)-Aphid Includes Aphis hederae and others Pest description and damage Several species of aphids can become problems as foliar, stem, flower, bud bark or root feeding pests. Aphids tend to be small (.0625 to 0.125 inch in length), oval to pear-s ...

Ivy (Hedera)-Spider mite Includes twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and others Pest description and damage Appearance of these mites varies with the species, although all are 0.02 inch or smaller. Adults and nymphs can be yellowish, greenish, o ...
Japanese holly (Ilex)-Spider mite Includes twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) and others Pest description and damage Several species of spider mites can cause damage in Japanese holly especially in dry sites. Appearance of these mites varies wit ...

Juniper (Juniperus)-Aphid Giant conifer aphid (Cinara spp.) Pest description and damage These are large aphids, up to 0.2 inch in length. Their color may range from gray to brownish to dark. Aphids establish large colonies on the twigs but are found feedi ...

Juniper (Juniperus)-Cypress tip moth Includes Cypress tip moth (Argyresthia cupressella) Pest description and damage There are nine Argyresthia species that attack different conifers (pine, hemlock, etc.) in the Pacific Northwest. One of them, the adult c ...
Juniper (Juniperus)-Juniper scale Carulaspis juniperi Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their scales ...

Juniper (Juniperus)-Juniper tip midge Oligotrophus betheli Pest description and damage The adult is a tiny (about 0.06 inch in length), yellow, mosquito-like fly. The larva is a maggot that lacks legs or a definite head. Juniper tip midge larvae feed with ...
Juniper (Juniperus)-Juniper webworm Dichomeris marginella Pest description and damage The adult juniper webworm is a copper-brown moth with white bands on the edges of the front wings. The moth is about 0.5 inch across. The mature larva is a yellowish to ...

Juniper (Juniperus)-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. Pest description and damage Several species of spider mites can cause damage in deciduous, evergreen, and coniferous ornamentals. Appearance of these mites varies with the species, although all are 0.02 inc ...

Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos)-Aphid Includes manzanita leaf gall aphid (Tamalia coweni) Pest description and damage These aphids are grayish or greenish, 0.04 to 0.06 inch in length, and prefer to feed on new plant growth. The manzanita leaf gall aphid fe ...