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Displaying 411 - 420 of 687 results.
Geranium (Pelargonium)-Leafroller Numerous species including: Oblique-banded leafroller (Christoneura rosaceana) Orange tortrix (Argyrotaenia franciscana) Pest description and damage The larvae of the orange tortrix are light cream to green with light bro ...
Gladiolus (Gladiolus)-Thrips Gladiolus thrips (Thrips [Taeniothrips] simplex) Pest description and damage Adult thrips emerge milky-white but soon turn brown and begin feeding. The female is approximately 0.06 inch in length and slightly larger than the m ...
Golden chain (Laburnum)-Aphid Includes laburnum aphid (Aphis cytisorum) and other species Pest description and damage Several species of aphids may infest Laburnum. Initially, these aphids feed on the shoot tips, which on young trees can cause stunting an ...
Golden chain (Laburnum)-Laburnum Leafminer Leucoptera laburnella Pest description and damage This leafminer forms blotch mines in leaves and can defoliate trees. Adult moths are roughly 0.1 inch in length, slender with white wings with a small black spot ...
Image related to Golden chain (Laburnum)-Leafminer
Golden chain (Laburnum)-Spider mite Tetranychus spp. Pest description and damage Several species of spider mites can cause damage in deciduous, evergreen, and coniferous ornamentals. Appearance of these mites varies with the species, although all are 0.02 ...
Image related to Golden chain (Laburnum)-Spider mite
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer Choreutis pariana Pest description and damage Adult moth is reddish brown, with a wingspread less than 0.5 inch, and irregular light and dark bands on the wings. Larvae are 0.5 inch in length, yellowish to ...
Image related to Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Apple-and-thorn skeletonizer
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Azalea bark scale Eriococcus azaleae Pest description and damage Scale insects are small (less than 0.125 inch in length) soft insects that live beneath waxy scales. These insects are often identified by the shape and size of their sc ...
Image related to Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Azalea bark scale
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Cherry bark tortrix Enarmonia formosana Pest description and damage Cherry bark tortrix is a moth pest of most woody ornamental trees and shrubs in the family Rosaceae. The larvae are 0.33 to 0.4 inch in length, pale gray to flesh-col ...
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Leafroller Includes European (filbert) leafroller (Archips rosana) Fruittree leafroller (Archips argyrospila) Oblique-banded leafroller (Choristoneura rosaceana) Pandemis leafroller (Pandemis pyrusana) Pest description and damage Seve ...
Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Pear sawfly (pear slug) California pear sawfly (Pristiphora abbreviata) Pear slug (Caliroa cerasi) Pest description and damage Pear slug is a European insect now found in most areas of the U.S. It attacks both pear and cherry and is f ...
Image related to Hawthorn (Crataegus)-Pear sawfly (pear slug)